Why do the cucumbers grow poorly?

Why do the cucumbers grow poorly?

Many gardeners from year to year complain that the cucumbers grow poorly. Nevertheless, without having received a good crop, next year, they again plant this culture in the ground and again they do not see a large amount of fruits. Before starting to grow cucumbers, you need to deal with their agrotechnology. This culture is pleased with the capricious and requires increased attention.

Why are the cucumbers grow bad?

Unlike other vegetables, the cucumbers respond negatively to almost all external factors:

  • Incorrectly selected landing place.
  • Inappropriate weather during a cucumber landing.
  • Poor soil.
  • Bad watering.
  • Lack of insects to pollinate

It is also worth paying attention to the varieties of cucumbers, because many simply will not be fruitful if there are no bees in the garden.

Choose a place to bed

The main rules for the location of the beds with cucumbers:

  • It is best to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse where they can create quite comfortable conditions in terms of lighting.
  • In the open soil, this culture can also be raised, but the cucumbers are very sensitive to the burning sunshine. Grocery initially plan in half, not far from the trees. It is also suitable for the place where the sun will light them only in the morning clock.
  • If you have a suitable place for cucumbers on the site, then purchase a special shading mesh that you have to pull over the garden to protect the plants from the Sun.
  • If the cucumbers are planning to plant rows and then let them go to the trellis, then place the rows strictly from the south to the north. Such location will protect most of the bushes from the influence of the active Sun, which will shine on the ends of the rows on the lunchtime.

Adjust the weather

The cucumbers are very warm-loving, so their early landing in the open ground is completely not suitable.

  • Plan the time to plant cucumbers approximately after the first week of May. Dates in different different regions may differ from each other, but it is better to plant a little later, when the threat of frosts.
  • The optimal average daily air temperature for planting the cucumbers in the ground is 10-15 degrees.
  • The cucumbers are well planted in those days when they are raining. Seedlings are very afraid of drying, so high humidity will help her quickly take care.

Improve the soil

The soil for cucumbers should be loose, nutritious and rather wet. If it is not so on your bed, then add to ordinary land as much as possible last year's compost. Please note that it is precisely the compost from plant residues that needs to be added, and not the cow go other animal humus. The latter, especially if he is poorly ripe, will cause irreparable damage with young landings. Plants in pure humus simply "burnt" - they will become like cigarette paper.

Normalize watering

Everyone knows that the fruits of cucumbers are more than 90% consisting of water. This suggests that they need a lot of fluids.

  • If you have the opportunity, then water the cucumbers every day, but in small portions.
  • If it is impossible to organize a daily watering, moisturize the ground under the bushes at least three times a week. Watering start with half a liter on one bush (for young bushes) and end with three liters (for adult bushes).
  • Water for watering take warm, i.e. Not a well or crane. Cold water will not give roots to develop and bushes will remain low and weak. Put a suitable barrel next to the garden, in which the water will heat up from the sun to comfortable for temperature cucumbers.
  • With too hot summer temperatures, you can spray your cucumbers in the same water. The increase in the overall moisture will go to the cucumbers benefit.
  • And watering and spraying better do in the evening when the sun has already disappeared behind the horizon.

We find out, is there any bee

Cucumbers need to actively pollination by bees. If there are very few of these insects in your area or there are no them at all, then choose the so-called self-polished varieties. This is an indication of a pack with seeds. This remark applies to closed greenhouses. They can be planted only varieties that bees are not required.

Cucumbers, like all vegetable crops, often exposed to diseases. Because of this, they do not grow very little fruit. How to recognize that the bushes are sick, and what happened to them in this case do see in this video.

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