In order to get a generous harvest of cucumbers, special attention should be paid to the process of pollination. In vivo, the flower pollination is engaged in bees. And in room or greenhouse conditions, efforts must be made to get the desired result. Let's deal with how to poll the cucumbers.
Pollination of different varieties of cucumbers
All varieties of cucumbers can be combined into two groups:
- Parthenocarpic cucumbers - the process of pollination occurs independently, without the participation of people, insects. Pollination takes place by transferring the wind to the wind, which pollinates other flowers on his bun. Also in the flower itself are the pestle and the stitch at the same time. Women's flowers prevail on these cucumbers.
- Insectupy cucumbers - the process of pollination occurs through insects or people who contribute to the transfer of pollen from one flower to another. On these cucumbers, mostly male flowers, which do not independently give obsolete. The cucumbers planted in the open soil give insects open access to the flowers, thereby they can pollinate them freely. And in greenhouses, insect access is limited and your help is needed for a good crop. You can attract insects with sweet solutions or manually pollinating flowers. If you have a hive with bees, then the problem will solve itself.
Methods of manual pollination of cucumbers
Artificially pollinating cucumbers can be in several ways, namely:
- tassel;
- flower.
When choosing a tassel, give preference to the soft, natural brush. With the help of brushes we collect pollen from male inflorescences and carry it on a female flower. As for the method of pollination with flower, then everything is simple. You need to break the male inflorescence and attach to the female flower. Make sure that the pestle of a female flower is covered with yellow pollen.
In order to see the result of the work done, the processed flowers are littered, namely the tissue or paper caps on them for a couple of days. Two days later, check them out for three days if the wrenches have changed in the amount, then it means that you managed to pollize the flowers yourself.
Technology of artificial pollination of cucumbers
Immediately after the blooming of flowers or before the intended dissolution of them, it is desirable to isolate them from penetrating the bees, butterflies, etc. You can isolate male flowers with paper, fabric caps, and you can also use the rut. This is necessary so that insects do not transfer pollen from one cucumber variety to another. These precautionary measures are needed in order to bring clean, not mixed grade for seeds.
- Pollination of female inflorescences It is recommended to hold on the second day after the flowers dissolve. To do this, transfer pollen from a male flower to a female flower.
- One female flower requires two, three male inflorescences.
- If you were pollinated by torn male flowers, then after pollination, you can leave them inside female flowers. Such an action is necessary for a more positive result.
- If you have polled the cucumbers in order to receive seeds, then in order not to confuse the varieties, mark with the help of tapes, inscriptions, etc.
- To obtain seeds, a full ripening of cucumber should be waited, then store it a few weeks in a warm, dry room.
helpful hints
- When pollination of cucumbers in the greenhouse, the humidity of the air should be about 70%. If the humidity is lowered, the pollen dries, and if it is increased, it will become severe and starts sticking out.
- Pulling cucumbers preferably in the morning.
- For a positive result, pollinating cucumbers are recommended during the week, before the appearance of the first strings.
- When pollination of cucumbers, pay attention to the air temperature. Over 27 degrees, pollen becomes sterilized. And at 10-15 degrees, the process of formation of the barriers slows down. The most suitable temperature is considered to be 20-25 degrees.
To raise a generous crop of cucumbers, you should learn to pollinate the cucumbers yourself. Adhering to the above councils, artificial pollination of cucumbers will not be difficult, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.