How to check watermelon on nitrates at home

How to check watermelon on nitrates at home

Summer has come - the time of watermelons. But often the sellers of these wonderful fruits are not worried about the health of their customers. So you have to choose a suitable watermelon, without nitrates and any chemistry. How to choose a ripe, juicy watermelon without nitrates? Here are some tips, how to choose a watermelon without cutting it.

Watermelon should not be too small or too big. The optimal size is 7-9 kg. If a smaller watermelon increases the likelihood that the fruit is unripe. If the watermelon is larger, then the chemicals have been applied during its cultivation.

Inspect the watermelon carefully. It should not be chips, cuts, scratches. In no case can not cut the unwashed watermelon - you can make infection!

A ripe watermelon has a big contrast between green and salad stripes (do not forget that there are monophonic varieties).

Pay attention to the presence of a yellow spot - it must be 5-10 cm. If it is smaller, it means that the watermelon lay on dry ground, therefore it will not be sufficiently juicy. Large stain indicates that Watermelon lay on the overwhelmed soil, which means that the fruit will be too watery and unsweetened. The yellow stain is the better! Similar image

The tail of the watermelon should be dry and yellowish. Unswerky Watermelon has a green tail, overprare or lying watermelon - too dry.

Pictures on request how to choose watermelon

By arrival home, cut the watermelon. Ripe watermelon bones black and large.

Pictures on request Watermelon

In order to determine the number of nitrates in the watermelon, in a glass with clean water, lower 1-2 pieces of watermelon and slightly accumulate so that the pieces are laid down. If the water remained transparent, there are no nitrates in the watermelon. A slightly pinkish color of water and light moonliness testifies to the permissible number of chemicals. If the water acquires a saturated red color, this watermelon cannot be eaten.

Remember that before the mid-August watermelons do not buy.

Pictures on request how to choose watermelon

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