How to take sideways

How to take sideways

A person appreciates his health from the moment when it gets sick. However, restore itself and maintain activity for a long time quite real - the representatives of non-traditional approaches in medicine are affirmed. And if you hear this to hear from the professor responsible for the past century for the preparation of astronauts in the Soviet Union, then you should carefully look at its methods.

Nesimevakin about the benefits of soda

I.P.Noyumwakin is this scientist who actively promotes the use of soda for the human body. According to his works and video lectures, the food system of a person at different points has a different medium - in the stomach acid, alkaline in the intestine. So envisaged by nature so that all eaten food is best cleaned and gave usable substances to us.

On the other hand, the scientist emphasizes the blood of the blood, arguing that the high level of its acidity is the cause of the formation of thromboms, cholesterol plaques and subsequent serious diseases. It is possible to avoid them with the help of soda, which is observed, which means that the destructive internal processes of our bodies and systems are quenched.

According to I.P.Noyumwakina, the optimal index of the acid balance and alkali in the human body is 7 on a scale from 0 to 14. And the more he strives for 0, the more serious the illness, for example, cancer, stroke, up to a significant reduction in life.

How to take sideways to improve

I.P.Noyumwakin recommends switching to the daily intake of soda to meals. The scheme looks like this:

  • take soda at the tip of the knife and dissolve it in a glass of hot milk or water that did not boil. Optimally, if you get to drink it with milk. However, in the case of individual intolerance, it is allowed to change it with water,
  • take a quarter of an hour before the main meal. Young people are enough 2 times a day, more adults - you need 3 times,
  • continue within 3 days, at the same time be extremely attentive to their feelings and health status,
  • take a break for three days, increase the dose of half a teaspoon and repeat the reception in the next three days,
  • again a break for 3 days,
  • and so act, increasing the dose until you take a teaspoon at a time.

The duration of soda method according to the method of I.P.Noyumwakina is a lifetime. As we have their field habits and an unhealthy lifestyle every day, every day is reduced by the time from me and bring the arrival of ailments.

But in free access you will find many supporters of temporary healing of the body of soda, which advise complete reception from the moment of the onset of remission.

Errors and features of the admission of soda in nonsense

The main mistake of most people who want to heal from the ailments is the desire to get an instant result from the overestimated dose of soda. They forget that the soda is a natural laxative, which in the unprepared organism causes a protest in the form of the strongest diarrhea. Therefore, these people are rapidly disappointed, cease reception and extremely negatively respond about the method itself. After all, Professor, many years investigated the useful impact of soda on the human body, brought the optimal scheme for its admission for gradual recovery. Here it should be observed exactly.

The features of the use of soda should be allocated:

  • it is allowed to harvest soda with boiling water, followed by dilution with warm liquid to the desired volume,
  • make sure the freshness of the treatment product. To do this, put out a slight pinch of soda vinegar. If it is actively foaming and hits, it means fresh and suitable for intake.


Lee to the lifelong scheme for the admission of soda or take it courses for organs and systems - each decides for itself. In any case, the method is worthy of attention and at a minimum, testing in practice.
Be healthy!

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