How to cook curd cheese?

How to cook curd cheese?

Gentle, soft, melting in the mouth - all this about curd cheese. His name speaks for itself, implying that the cheese of plastic consistency resembles cottage cheese. This product is used both for the preparation of various dishes and for feeding as an independent dish on croutons, crackers, fresh bread. In stores today you can buy various types of curd cheeses, but this product is quite expensive. So let's learn how to do this delicacy at home, at the same time and money from the family budget will save.

Varieties of cottage cheese

Many varieties of cottage cheese, which are sold in the store are imported and they may not even be the words "curd" on the labels. Sometimes there is written "Cheese pasty", sometimes "soft cheese". But you probably know such cheeses like Philadelphia, Ricotta, Muscarpone, Mozzarella, Dor-Blue - these curd cheeses initially began to deliver to us from abroad, and then our food industry was connected to release. But the same Suluguni, which can also be attributed to the cheesemale cheeses, invented in Georgia.

Delicious homemade curd cheese

Prepare such products:

  • Cottage cheese home largest fat - 1 kg.
  • Creamy oil - 90
  • Fresh eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt cooking large - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda Food - 15 g.


  1. Install a colander with small holes on a thick-walled metal saucepan. Put half of the whole cottage cheese in it and sprout half soda. Cottage cheese together with soda ride through a colander - in the dairy product there will be no separate gravinoks. In the same way, do with the second half of cottage cheese and the remains of soda.
  2. Remove the colanders with the pan, and mix cottage cheese with soda again with a spoon or hands so that the soda by mass is distributed more evenly. Close the saucepan with a lid and give the curd mass to stand in a warm room 3 or 4 hours. During this time, the soda will enter the reaction with cottage cheese and the mass will change the color from white to a little yellowish.
  3. Melt the creamy oil on the water bath and pour it into cottage cheese. Here add raw eggs and all salt. Mass thoroughly mix with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  4. Press with the resulting semi-finished product, put on the slab included on the minimum. Mass in a saucepan constantly interfere so that it does not burden to the bottom. Heating time with constant stirring - approximately 20-25 minutes. During this time, the mass in the saucepan will become very soft, smooth and homogeneous, i.e. It should not be any separate grain of cottage cheese.
  5. Put the plastic hot mass in the appropriate food container or a small bowl. From above, the future cheese is shovel or spoon. It is necessary so that there are no air bubbles in the cheese. Without covering dishes with a lid, let the cheese completely cool.
  6. Cover the dishes with cottage cheese with a lid or parchment paper and transfer it to the refrigerator. Keep cheese no more than 7 days.

Curd cheese on milk

You will need:

  • Cottage cheese and milk home large fat - on 950 g.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Salt - 20 g
  • Soda - 15 g.
  • Middle chicken egg - 1 pc.

For the cooking of cheese, take a pot with a thick bottom. You still need the same thick-walled frying pan.

  1. Milk pour into the pan and on the lowest fire to bring it to a state when the first bubbles appear in the liquid.
  2. Cottage cheese over the sieve, or skip through the meat grinder, or overload the immersion blender.
  3. In the boiling milk, put all the cottage cheese and mix the mass to the maximum connection of the two ingredients.
  4. Put a saucepan with milk and cottage cheese in a large bowl, which fill hot water. Install a bowl on fire.
  5. In a water bath, boil cottage cheese with milk until the moment when there will begin to form large curdly grains in the pan and serum is separated.
  6. On the colander, spread a large gauze napkin and pour a lot of pan on it. Under the colander, install any container for collecting hot serum. On this serum, then you can prepare pancakes.
  7. When only one cottage cheese remains in Marle, put it in a bowl and mix with salt, soda and egg.
  8. In a large pan, melt 100 g of butter. Do it on minimal heat so that the oil does not burn.
  9. In hot oil, lay out the prepared cottage cheese and mix everything thoroughly.
  10. Khorodu hold on fire - it should be the smallest. Cook the cheese of 15 minutes without moving away from it for a minute. All this time, cheese prevent.
  11. Hot pull cheese lay out in the container and let him cool on the table. Then transfer it to the refrigerator. Using this cheese for 3-4 for - it is not recommended to store it.

Homemade soft cooking cheese

This taste is similar to the famous Mascarpone Cheese, which is a mandatory ingredient of the dessert "Tiramisu".

  1. 1 liter of the thick homemade sour cream and 500 ml of natural yogurt without fruit additives and sugar mix. In the dairy mass, put 1 teaspoon without the top of the salt and two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. Try on salt - if you are not enough, add to the taste.
  2. Set the colander with a flat bottom to a bowl and check it with several layers of gauze. Male away the future cheese. The ends of the gauze fold over the milk mass so that it turns out to be completely closed. Put a flat saucer on gauze, and put a liter jar with water on it - it will be a kind of cargo.
  3. Keep cheese under the load of 10-12 hours. Then remove the jar, open the gauze and lay out soft cheese with a container. Store home soft cheese in the refrigerator no more than three days.

Soft cheese of milk type "Ricotta"


  • The fatty milk is not pasteurized, better home - 1.8 liters.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs. You will need to squeeze 90 ml of juice.
  • Salt - 8 g
  • Sugar white - 20 g

Recipe for soft cheese type "Ricotta":

  1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour all the milk and pour sugar and salt to it. Heat milk to 40-45 degrees. If you do not have a special kitchen thermometer, then try the milk with your finger. This temperature for the skin is quite high, but also does not burn it.
  2. In hot milk, pour the prepared lemon juice and heat the milk further. As soon as you see that curd flakes appeared in milk, stop the heating. Give milk in a saucepan.
  3. Curled milk break on a colander, shining gauze. Male ends tie and hang out this design over the sink. Give a serum stitch from cheese - it will leave 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. Soft cheese Put in the container and keep it in the refrigerator no more than 2 days.

Variations with cottage cheese

You can enrich any of the cooked self-cooked cheeses with all sorts of spices and seasonings. Spring herbs, garlic, dried and crushed sweet peppers and tomatoes, nuts. Place these additives or during melting cheese on fire (the first two recipes), or after you take out the marble cheese (the last three recipes). In the latest options, first the resulting cheese, mix with the selected filler, and then lay it out into the container.

In this video, you will see how soft curd cheese can be made from the sour cream.

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