How to lose weight at home without diets

How to lose weight at home without diets

Beautiful, ancient figure is a dream of almost every woman. In pursuit of the ideal of the beauty of the girl, the girls exude themselves with diets and cause irreparable harm to their health. Any diet is a big stress for the body. You can harm the stomach and digestive system as a whole. Also the unpleasant consequence of the diet is dim, not elastic leather and the appearance of wrinkles. After the end of the diet, the body will return extra kilograms faster than they got rid of them, and the slowdown diet metabolism will increase your weight day by day. Lose weight without harm to health and achieve a resistant result after weight loss will help proper nutrition and physical exertion. And a few simple tips will help you easily get rid of extra kilograms once and forever!

Lose weight at home without diets with water

Get rid of 2-3 kilograms in 2 weeks will help usually, clean water, if taken correctly.

  • Drink two glasses of water after awakening. Water on an empty stomach cleans the body of slags, improves the metabolism and speeds up the fir splitting process.
  • We drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before each meal. Drinking water before eating will thomit appetite and will not let you go.
  • Do not drink food. Food is easier and faster digested with the stomach, if not to drink it.
  • We drink no earlier than 40 minutes after meals. Do not interfere with the stomach work, do not dilute the gastric juice and do not stretch the stomach.
  • On a day, drink at least two liters of water.
  • Before bedtime, also drink one glass.

If you add the juice of half of the lemon to the water, you can also speed up the farewell to overweight.

How is it right to lose weight at home without diets?

The point is not so much that we eat, how much is how much we eat.

  • Gradually reduce the size of the portions until they become about 200 g. So we shine the stomach and will no longer eat more than our body.
  • Eat often (every 2-3 hours), but small portions.
  • The last time we eat 3 hours before sleep, to give the stomach time to digest food.

A portion

What is to lose weight at home without diets?

  • We introduce more vegetables in your diet. Cabbage, celery, green peppers burn fat perfectly.
  • Do not enjoy the starch-containing fruits (persimmon, bananas, etc.). Apples are perfect for snacks, and Lemon is the worst enemy of fat.
  • We eat boiled eggs and boiled, baked or stew low meat.
  • We use fiber, it helps to lose weight quickly and efficiently and saturates the body with useful fatty acids and microelements. Total 2 teaspoons of dry fiber per day will help you forget what is excess weight.
  • We definitely use fish, at least 1-2 times a week (not smoked only). Fish fat accelerates metabolism, and therefore helps to lose weight. You can take fish oil in capsules. A nice bonus is valuable vitamins that are contained. With the help of fish oil, we will not only achieve the desired result in weight loss, but also improve the condition of the skin and hair.
  • We replace desserts dried fruits, honey, fruit. You can eat marshmallows, marmalade, jelly.
  • Eat more than greens.
  • Before bedtime, not to feel hunger you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir. If you add cinnamon, ginger and red pepper to it on a teaspoon on a knife tip, then it's still minus 2-3 kilograms per month.
  • We use vegetable oil (best olive) instead of animal fats.

What you can not eat when weakness at home?

  • For the night, I never eat smoked meat, pickled and salty products, and it is better to refuse them at all.
  • We do not eat fried, fatty products. We give preference to baked, stewed, boiled food.
  • We do not eat a flour.
  • Do not drink coffee and tea with sugar. It is better to replace sugar with honey.
  • Do not enjoy fast food.
  • Mayonnaise is prohibited.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Butter.
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks.

Effective exercises for weight loss at home without diets

  • Squats burn calories well and tighten the buttocks.
  • Jumping on the rope and without.
  • Statistical exercise plank. We try to stand in the bar at least 30 seconds.
  • Run.
  • Biking.
  • It is enough to swing the press 3 times a week.
  • Classes dancing and others.

Sports heals body and soul. Training with pleasure, you will achieve the desired result faster. Choosing a comfortable time to practice, place, turn on your favorite music. We try to deal with at least three or four times a week. During cardio exercise, when the heart begins to beat faster, the body burns fat faster. Need to engage at least half an hour to soon notice a positive result.

Pretty easily. Starting to eat properly, doing basic exercise, you will soon see how your body is pulled, the figure improved, improves skin, hair and nails. Pick up a healthy diet, you will get rid of thoughts about diets and exercise at home will become a part of your life and will please you, cheer up. Remember, during training in the blood is thrown out a considerable amount of the hormone of happiness, so you'll get to improve their physical as well as mental condition.

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To answer
Valentina 02.19.2018 at 12:07

It seems to me that the main thing to stick to a healthy diet, give up the flour and fried, and I lost weight. More advice before taking Enterosgel diet that would remove toxins from the body. I saw and grief do not know this one enterosorbent acne have arisen, felt good. Yet detoxification before losing weight is important and necessary.

To answer
Elda 03.06.2018 at 21:47

After the holidays, when used to eat a lot, just like the mouth zavyazat.No undertook sebya.Dlya start on a plate changed detskuyu.Otkazalas sugar. I eat boiled vse.Chtoby it was not too sweet, I resort to a trick-bit sousa.Ya found low-calorie sauces excellent quality and amazing taste. There are other low-calorie foods to eat. Here order dessert. I'm waiting.

To answer
Lina 25.03.2018 at 17:07

The advice in the article is good and effective, I also acted after giving birth reduced the dose, I went more often, but gradually, fried, if possible, excluded, and charging tried to do every day, sometimes alternating exercises so that the load was on different muscles. Another doctor prescribed an endocrinol, I have a bit of a hormonal background there was a problem there was a vitamin E, which additionally positively on the metabolism influences. And I turned out to drop 10 kg, and I am very pleased with myself, and that I did not give up and now it's not a shame on vacation to go, but this is the result, of course, not a week, I had to corrupt three months. And with charging very cheerfully, you feel yourself all day.

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