Many neglect such a sea fish as a flabble. And very in vain! Its meat is considered to be delicious, similar to the taste of the chicken. The protein is easily absorbed, contains minerals and vitamins useful for the body. But the most important thing is the flabble of a low-calorie product. It is ideal for people who are followed by their figure.
Despite this utility, Kambala is rarely found on the table. Because of her unusual species, the hostess do not know how to clean it. There is nothing special and difficult. Thanks to this article, you will learn to cut fish.
How to clean the cambal - the preparation of the carcass
To preserve all the beneficial properties of the fish, it is necessary to prepare it correctly, especially when it is frozen.
- If you did not catch Cambalu yourself, and bought it in the store, then she has already paid. Defrost fish is necessary naturally. Leave it in the package and put it in the refrigerator.
- To speed up the process of melting, you can use a little cunning. Fill with cold water tank, dissolve salt in it. Add it at the rate of 1 kg of meat - 1 teaspoon of spices. Fully immerse the product in water and wait for a complete defrost.
Important! Do not use heat and, especially, hot water to prepare Clabals. It will destroy the protein, make meat with a flabby and will lose its important qualities, as well as spoil the taste.
- Carcass, which is completely eliminated, wash under running water. Clean it well from mucus, plants and sand.
- Since it is very difficult to consider the scaly from Cambals, then it is easy to cut it.
How to clean cambal - filming
In most cases, the carcass first milling, and then they are prepared. This cutting option provides for the preparation of cambals in small pieces.
- Washing fish to dry with paper towels. Cut the fins with a knife. If the gills remained, then pull them out.
Advice. Use a knife for filing, which should be sharp. With him you will be much more convenient to cut meat.
- Make a cut across the tail fin. At the same time, do not cut it completely, but only take it up to the ridge.
- Insert the knife under the skin and move it towards the head, as indicated in the picture. Try to move the knife on the ridge so as not to damage meat.
- Start gradually separating meat from the skeleton. Start cutting it from the place where you insert the knife.
- Hold the fish from above with one hand, another cut off the fillet. Move towards the head. It is important not to rush, otherwise you can break meat.
- Cut the fillet from the head and cut around the stomach. That's what you should get.
- Turn the fish into the light side, and repeat all previous steps to film.
- Forens and muscles from them will remain on the second piece of meat. Cut the edges, they are unsuitable for cooking.
- If you want to cook Cambalu without skin, then it must be removed. Put the fillet on the table or the cutting board with meat upstairs. Skin slightly mature with a knife, position it perpendicular to the fillet and move towards the head. Hold meat with a second hand.
- You can cut the finished fillet into pieces or prepare as a whole.
Writing Clabal - skin removal
For some dishes it is necessary to cook the whole fish. If you do not like the specific smell that gives mead the skin, then remove it.
- The cambal is also well rinsed, dry from moisture. This will not slide the hands during operation.
- Put the fish on the table on the dark side of yourself. At the tail of the fin, do an incision, grind your finger into it, then tear the skin towards the head.
- Hold a carcass with another hand. Remove all the skin from one side of the carcass in this way. Repeat these steps on the white part of Cambals if necessary.
- Cut the head and stomach. Fish is ready for further preparation.
How to clean Cambalu - Tips and recommendations
- Since the structure of this type of fish is different from most others, it is necessary to cut off the head and gut it least. When you take out the stomach, try not to hurt the gallbladder. It can completely spoil the taste.
- Easy to remove the skin with fresh fish. Therefore, do not postpone this process for a long time. Even if you want to freeze the meat, first remove the skin, and then send to the freezer.
- To remove a specific fish smell, put for 15-20 minutes of Cambalu in milk. It will make meat more gentle and pleasant to taste.
- When the skin still dried and not cleaned, wet her and leave for 10 minutes. Then proceed to work.
Do not give up the purchase of such useful fish as a flabble. If you follow the recommendations and advice specified in the article, then you will quickly clean the fish and enjoy it an unusual taste. Bon Appetit!
There is another way to quickly clean the cambal and cut it on the steaks. Watch it on the video:
Do not need troubles: get it out of the freezer and after 30-40 minutes begin to remove the skin after the transverse end around the tail. The skin will be easily easily easy!