How to whiten the armpits at home

How to whiten the armpits at home

If the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression began to darken suddenly, to take a bluish tint or she was and always, first of all, you need to eliminate the disease of the thyroid gland, hormonal failures and disorders, allergic reactions. Dark spots in these places can signal about diseases that you do not even suspect. Therefore, start to hide the symptoms only after you make sure that you are absolutely healthy. In aesthetic purposes you can contact a beautician, pharmacy and home care. Learn a few ways to lighten the armpits that are folk methods, as they are the most harmless.

How to whiten armpits at home lemon

Lemon copes perfectly with whitening. Of course, it is forbidden to apply it on the face, because for delicate skin of the cheeks and forehead, this acid is too aggressive, but for the armpit, it is suitable as it is impossible. Combine the recipes of masks for whitening the armpits, and you will achieve the desired effect.

  • Attach a round slice of lemon to the armpit for four minutes, then turn it over the other side and apply again. Such a procedure can be repeated no more than once a week.
  • Singing juice from one lemon into a glass. Petrushka finely grind and add to juice. Wash the bandage with this mixture or cotton swab and apply for five minutes to armpits. Optionally, you can add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mixture so that the armpits immediately moisturized.
  • Also effective mask from honey and lemon, but she is quite sticky and marquay. Use it before taking the soul. In equal proportions, mix honey and lemon and apply for fifteen minutes to armpits. Remove with warm water and moisture with cream.

How to whiten armpits at home White clay

Almost all whitening creams you will find the main ingredient - Kaolin. This is a white clay in its pure form. You can purchase it in pharmacies at a modest price: from 20 to 50 rubles per bag. Inside the packages you will find clean clay greenish, grayish or bluish color, which you need to mix with water. Try efficient recipes with white clay.

  • Mix the clay and milk to the consistency of sour cream. Apply on the armpits once a day in the evenings and do not give the composition to dry. Wash out clay with warm water without soap.
  • Divide clay with clean water to thick mixtures, add a couple of droplets of tea tree essential oil and lemon. Such a mixture can lubricate the armpits quite often: up to two times a day. To get a bigger effect, put clay on the armpits under the food film for ten minutes.

How to whiten armpits at home cucumber and strawberry

Both means act on the skin gently, refresh and moisturize it. Such masks can be carried out so often as soon as you want, however, drying up strawberries on the skin it is impossible: it will begin to pull it and dry it.

  • In the blender, run the cucumber and strawberries to mashed potatoes. Put the mask on the armpits for half an hour. You can strengthen the effect by adding a fine parsley in a puree. Do not add lemon to this composition, since it cannot be withstanding on the skin as long as cucumber and strawberries.
  • Cut the cucumber rings and make in it puncture with a knife to let juice. Apply to armpits before drying the surface of the cucumber.

As you can see, among folk recipes there are many to solve your problem. Do not forget that the darkening of the armpits can cause hormonal drugs, synthetic clothing, as well as incorrectly chosen deodorant. Try to change the above tools to avoid an allergic reaction to them.

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