How to treat liver after alcohol

How to treat liver after alcohol

Among the diseases of the liver, 30-40% are alcoholic intoxicated. Therefore, the treatment and restoration of this most important organ is very relevant. Recovery measures depend on liver damage. In the case of light intoxication, temporary treatment will help, but with a strong violation will have to adhere to certain rules and abandon alcohol for life.

To restore the liver after a strong exposure to alcohol, it is necessary to resort to a special diet, pick up a complex of suitable vitamins, use utility wilts and regularly warming up the patient organ. Consider step by step instructions for restoring the liver.

Diet. To gently clean the liver from toxins, you need to change your diet for several months. There are both quick cleaning of the liver, but in this case they are not effective because they can lead it to even greater shock. The following recommendations will help you:

  • During treatment, completely refuse to eat alcohol. Otherwise, it will be treated again, but it will be much more difficult to return the liver to life. Even after treatment, it is important to learn how to drink alcohol in minimal doses. In very launched cases, doctors prohibit drinking alcohol to their patients for life.
  • Power must contain proteins and carbohydrates in the necessary quantities, but the consumption of fats should be limited. Salads are recommended to fill with dietary refills or light sour cream. Experts recommend to eat five or six times a day with small portions.
  • Use boiled, stewed and baked dishes. Soups are preferable to prepare on water or light broth. Be sure to include in your diet fruits, vegetables, oatmeal and fiber. Citrus is very useful, but it's important not to overdo it with them.
  • It was revealed that juices cooked from vegetables, protect the liver from the effects of alcohol. Especially useful juices from beets and celery.
  • Exclude sharp and spicy products from your diet, various spices. Do not use too hot or cold food.
  • Drink a lot of clean (non-carbonated) water. This will help the devastating substances from the body faster.

Vitamins. The use of vitamins and antioxidants has a good effect on restoring the liver. It is recommended to take amino acids, minerals, as well as vitamins B1, B6, B2, B12, C, E in the form of special complexes. This will help restore the liver job as soon as possible.

Herbs. Many herbs have the property to restore and prevent the development of hepatic pathologies. Silimarine is very effective, because it includes Silimarin, which prevents cell membrane damage and contributes to the growth of new hepatic cells. In addition to the milk, use St. John's wort, the immortelle, rosehip, artichoke, dear. These herbs will help to normalize the liver operation. You can purchase them in pharmacies and brew herbal infusions, according to the instructions on the packaging.

Warming. The liver loves heat very much, so the compress will have a positive effect on its functions. Heat the sea salt and pour it into a bag or a piece of fabric. Put the compress on the patient area. Keep it until it is pleasant. Also for the compress you can use honey of any kind. It is recommended to warm it up and rub it up with rapid and neat movements to the hypochondrium area.

Not only alcoholic, but also various drugs, liners, emissions from the environment affect the liver. Doctors argue that even healthy people have insignificant pathological changes. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to take care of the liver and apply the above tips.

Comments leave a comment
Ivan. 09/07/2018 at 17:07

If you take a lot of alcohol and every day, then the liver one hundred percent will give yourself to know. It is better not to bring to that.

novel 11/07/2018 at 21:24

Ivan, I agree with you completely. I had such a period in my life, drank godlessly, and then he treated the liver, and quite a long time. I can say gepatoprotektor Legalon, his doctor recommended to me, because he is not as expensive and as effective as their expensive counterparts.

Serega 09.10.2019 at 12:51

I am ashamed to admit, but recently something somehow got problems ... I went in stump. When I was cold, I was horrified as I understood how much I drank. The liver, by the way, was already silent at that moment ... He started immediately hepatrine to accept and rags on the milk. Now there are no pain .. Yes, and ultrasound recently passed, everything is in order)

Basil 02/26/22021 at 12:34

I have never had a drink, but I love to drink sometimes. The hangover happens, but I learned to cope with this.

Paul 27/02/2021 at 21:08.

And how do you fight with a hangover? I generally have two funds for such cases and enterosgel! Everything!! More does not need anything! Enterosorbent will bring toxins from the body, the well-being after sleep will improve and already after dinner I have always been in the ranks!


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