Prints are applied to approve office documents and are an indispensable attribute of any responsible leader. Products with standard ottis type "paid", "approve", etc. You can just buy in stationery store. Non-standard seals having a company logo with individual inscriptions explaining its activities or details are manually manufactured. How to do this, you will learn from our article.
Print will be made on the basis of liquid polymer. Initially, it needs to be created in a graphic editor on a PC in the form of a picture.
Then, using a laser printer, a negative image is printed on matte film. He must have a good contrast and be without a "veil" on his light areas. To give the negative optical density, it should be treated with a special dimmer, and to save - cover the protective-separation film.
Then you need to create a form for the polymer. To do this, around the perimeter of the negative, retreating from its edges by 3-7 mm, you need to impose a sticky border tape. She will not give the polymer spread.
Then the liquid polymer should be pouring into the resulting form and cover it with a transparent film. This composition is required to be attached to the copy cassette, which is two glasses with the corners of the corners equal to the height of the border. Glasses are pressed, and the cassette is placed in the exhibit chamber. At the same time, the reading side must be top.
Exhibited exposure time. The distance from the source of ultraviolet radiation to the cassette is considered optimal at its value of 10-15 cm. Usually, the installation design is specified. With a larger distance, the illumination time increases. On the devices produced by Press-M LLC, the exhibiting of the first side of the cassette is 60-70 seconds. And the second is 120-130 seconds.
After the illumination, alternately both sides of the cassette form disassembled. Negative with it should be removed carefully to avoid separation from the substrate of the printing elements. The form should be rinsed from the remnants of the non-hardened polymer and set to the chamber for tacking. Here for 7-10 minutes the printed form will acquire high strength. Then it is necessary to cut out of the form and stick it to the snap.