How to use lemon zest

How to use lemon zest

Zedra is the outer part of the citrum peel. Lemon zest has a saturated yellow color, bitter taste and characteristic smell. It can be used in a variety of and unexpected areas.

The most common use of lemon zest found in cooking. This spice practically does not attract, but only impresses the dish with a thin spicy aroma. It is perfectly combined with any kind of meat, birds and fish, suitable for garnings and cold soups and, of course, not replace in confectionery.

In order to treat and prevent colds, lemon zest is also useful. Having a large content of vitamins A, C, B, P and essential oils, it helps to cope with the inflammation of the throat and respiratory tract, as it has an antibacterial effect. Appetite disorder, gallbladder disease, gastrointestinal tract and digestion disorders are only a small part of the list, where the lemon zest can be useful for health.

Lemon zest is applied in home cosmetology. It enters folk recipes for hair and face masks, whitening lotions, serum and scrubs. And lemon essential oil helps women in combating cellulite.

In everyday life of the lemon zest there will also be a job. With it, it is removed from the kettles, coffee makers and stains inside microwave ovens. The finely grated zest disinfect and deodoriate the garbage bins and cutting boards. Similarly, it is used to purify and aromatize air, adding to boiling water to evaporate. The zest is put in sachet to give linen and clothing in a pleasant smell closet.

And the lemon zest is weak, but still an aphrodisiac. Perhaps all these knowledge will help you differently look at this fragrant spice and more often use it in your daily life.

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