What makes rum?

What makes rum?

"Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of Roma" - well, who does not know this line from the famous song. Many are associated with pirates, because in all films and cartoons it is a drink of pirates, without which they cannot imagine their usual day. Let's talk today about what is actually this drink, from which it is prepared and how to use it right.

Story drink

No one will even deny the fact that the pirates really loved this drink, but the story states that this drink has appeared much earlier, somewhere in India. To date, Roma's homeland for incomprehensible reasons consider America (and even there for the title of "Mother" Roma are fighting several countries). Even in the documents of the 17th century mentioned Rum, so his story is old "as a world."

It is believed that from the very beginning the discarded drink was made exclusively in production purposes, only over time this drink became popular, and not only among pirates.

It took quite a bit of time, and the rum has already consumed not only the lower layer of society, but also rich, so every year the production of Roma has been improved, and the drink has become more tastier and more popular.

Rum - What is it, and what varieties exist?

For those who are not up to date, the main components of the Roma are molasses and syrup. In turn, the components under consideration are made from reeds, as well as sugar sand (in some cases of ordinary sugar).

For the preparation of the final product, in this case, Roma, it is necessary to produce the process of distillation and fermentation:

  • First the resulting drink is completely light
  • After receiving it, in obligatory rum, they are sent for storage in barrels, which should be made of wood

  • After long-term storage in such a package, the rum becomes amber (but not always, the shades of drinks can be different).
  • The fortress also varies within 45-70%

In various states, the method of producing such a drink is different, therefore the color, and the degree of alcohol differs. Accordingly, taste qualities also cannot be the same, and some beverage varieties drink in its pure form, and some are as a component for various cocktails.

The color of Roma is also envy of which container it is stored:

  • if the rum was kept in a charred container, Rum is obtained sufficiently dark. Usually it is consumed with cinnamon, pineapple or chocolate
  • if the rum was a long time in the barrels from oak, then it turns out fairly light enough, amber colors. Usually spices add to it and even sometimes caramel.

The greatest percentage of alcohol in this drink is considered to be 70%, but some manufacturers manage to produce similar products with a higher degree. The quality product is considered rum, the excerpt of which reaches 6 years, but today you can find a drink that has already been 20 years old, and it is clear that its cost is high enough and to afford to try this drink can not everyone.

Most often, the resistant rum drink is in its pure form to enjoy all the notes of this fragrant drink.

Production of Roma

There is no single way to prepare this drink. It all depends on the method and traditions that are taken into account in the manufacture of Roma. Despite this, there is a general specific system for the manufacture of this drink, each introduces its own adjustments, but the meaning remains the same:

  • The first stage of preparation is to fering molasses
  • After, yeast is added and, of course, water. From the type of yeast, the final color of the Roma will depend on the addition of fast yeast, the rum ultimately - light, if with conventional yeast, is quite dark enough, and its fortress is an order of magnitude.

  • After the manipulations made the case for the distillation of the wort, which we received. In this case, distillation of various types can be used.
  • It is necessary to withstand the drink in question at least 12-14 months, and this is the minimum length of its excerpt in order for the resulting drink to be called Rom.

Not always rum stored in barrels and wood, sometimes in stainless steel package. It is also worth noting that much faster rum is preparing in warm climatic conditions. It is for this reason that the main supplier of the drink under consideration are Latin American states.

Is it useful?

Many will immediately give a negative answer to this question and if it is logically to think, it will be justified, because the drink under consideration is very strong, alcoholic, and it's no secret that alcohol is not useful for health. Of course, it is possible to take this alcoholic drink in order to increase myself the mood or get rid of a stressful state. If you do it constantly and find a way out of the position only in this, then it is not difficult to sleep so at all.

In this case, we are talking about another use of this drink, which will help, and does not harm, namely:

  • The compresses with rum are excellent effective means of warming type, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of pain syndrome. Which brings rheumatism and other similar diseases.
  • Add this drink and in many tinctures of therapeutic type, even those that need to rinse the mouth (understandable, that they are unpleasant, and the smell of their alcoholic), the main thing is that they are effective.

Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is rum and how it is prepared, and also applied.

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