Chronic pancreatitis - symptoms and treatment

Chronic pancreatitis - symptoms and treatment

Chronic pancreatitis is an insidious pancreatic disease, which often occurs without a bright symptomatic picture. For a long time, healthy cells of the organ are replaced by connective tissue, which significantly affects the functionality of the pancreas - it ceases to produce insulin and farms in the required amount. How to recognize this disease and how is it treated?

Chronic pancreatin - clinical symptoms

Pancreatitis in a “neglected” state forces the patient to undergo long -term and expensive treatment, which often ends with surgical intervention. To prevent this, you need to know the first signs of the disease, which begins to turn into a chronic form.

  • The first symptom of chronic pancreatitis is pain. Painful sensations are often interconnected with errors in nutrition. So, pain can appear after eating fatty or highly fried foods, alcoholic beverages.
  • Localization of the pain syndrome is vague - in the left hypochondrium, the upper right segment of the abdomen, the submarine, less often in the lower back. Where exactly will be sick, depends on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe pancreas.
  • The intensity of pain is also variable: in some it is sharp, cramping, in others - mild and aching.
  • Another sign of dysfunction is dyspepsic syndrome, which is manifested by vomiting and sustainable nausea. A patient with chronic pancreatitis often notes poor appetite, flatulence, and discomfort in the abdomen.
  • In chronic pancreatitis, there is also a lack of enzymes. It is manifested by poor digestion of food, inferior assimilation of useful substances, a plentiful frequent and unformed gray stool with an admixture of undigested food. There is also a bloating, decrease in hemoglobin, various allergic manifestations.
  • Further, intoxication syndrome joins the above symptoms. The patient has malaise, heart function is disturbed, breathing problems arise, and rashes on the skin can be.
  • As the pancreatic cells decay, hormonal disorders occur. Depending on their severity, the patient feels weakness, panic attacks, trembling, overexcitation, cold sweat, thirst, an increase in daily diuresis.
  • A dangerous sign of chronic pancreatitis is ascites (excess fluid in the peritoneum), exhausting vomiting (due to the overlap of the lumen of the duodenum) or skin itching (when the gallway is overlapped). These signs indicate the development of compression syndrome.

Chronic pancreatitis - drug treatment

The treatment of this disease consists of a complex of therapeutic measures - diet, taking enzyme drugs, and sometimes - surgical intervention.

The choice of drugs is carried out by the doctor in the anticipation of the resulting tests. As a rule, several groups of drugs are prescribed to the patient:

  • Analgesics and antispasmodics - paracetamol, ketans, lubricants. In severe cases, drugs are prescribed, for example, promedol.
  • Secretolytics (reduce pancreatic secretion) - Ranitidine, Atropine, Omez.
  • Prokinetics (normalize the pressure in the ducts of the organ) - the results, trivial.
  • Sahabro -winning drugs (in case of violation of insulin production) - glurerm, insulin.
  • Enzymes - Mesim, pancreatin.

Important! All drugs must be taken in accordance with the appointments of the doctor.

Chronic pancreatitis - diet

The primary role in the treatment of the pancreas is played by a diet that allows you to unload the organ and give it the opportunity to recover.

In the patient’s diet, the following products should prevail:

  • mucous soups;
  • protein omelets;
  • vegetable souffle;
  • knowles made of fish and meat;
  • baked apples;
  • crackers or dried bread;
  • vegetables;
  • jelly;
  • souffle.

You need to take food 6 times a day in small portions. Food should be warm and fresh. It is advisable to serve products chopped with a minimum amount of salt.

It is forbidden to use:

  • fatty and fried dishes;
  • alcohol;
  • cocoa -containing dishes;
  • broths;
  • fresh berries, sour fruits.

Untimely appeal to the doctor leads to irreparable damage to the pancreas. In such a situation, you have to use a surgical method aimed at resection of the organ to remove the destroyed pancreatic area. Therefore, do not postpone the visit to the doctor if you notice the first signs of the disease.

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