Warranty letter Sample payment: Sample

Warranty letter Sample payment: Sample

The written guarantee is a form of a non-profit act, which includes the completion of the procedure for complying with the agreed conditions about the timing and fact of payment for the provided goods or for a specific service. It is with this paper that the trader and the buyer assures the transaction among themselves, the customer on the basis of the warranty letter can receive the goods in advance. However, when the established payment date comes, it undertakes to make payment.

Requirements for registration

There are no special forms to compile such obligations, so general standards for business documentation must be followed:

  1. Blank need to take a branded. The appearance of such forms from different organizations is different. rules In general, it is fixed individually for each company by order of the first person.
  2. On the sheet should be: the logo of the company, its name, address, telephone and other data for which you can really determine what the company is interested in us.
  3. On the letterhead on the standards it is necessary to make indents: from above, on the left, from the bottom - 20 millimeters, on the right - 10 millimeters.


Features of registration

How to make a guarantee:

  1. As mentioned above, we take the company's blank where its details are affiliated (the name of the institution, the location of the office, email, the phone number, OGRN, INN, CAT, accounts and bik), indicate the writing number in the left corner.
  2. We put a number, month, the year there is also below the appeal number.
  3. With a new line in the middle we write the phrase: " Letter of guarantee“.
  4. Go to the main part of the paper, we display the words: "We guarantee payment."
  5. Then we tell in detail for what the amount, and we write my duty at first, and then we prescribe it with words.
  6. Below you specify: until what period, the partner's money will be returned. And how much you have to pay for every day a penalty.
  7. At the very bottom, the name of the debtor's organization is written. FULL NAME, representing this institution, his position and signature, number. At the end: Print this company.

Samples of payment guarantees

Know that the text of the letter is required to write in conventional phrases. Emotions and unnecessary details in the text of the acts of anything, try to dry out the essence of the agreement. On our portal you can download:

  • Requirements for writing a warranty letter;
  • Warranty letter template;
  • Warranty letter on the cost of goods.

If you correctly compiled a written guarantee, it is a legal confirmation in case of failure to comply with the conditions. The merchant has the right to contact the Femid authorities when you do not return money for money. Not only you will have to pay a loan, more and interest who have gained a delay in the days. And the cost of legal proceedings will be paid too from their pocket. All this is legal in accordance with Civil Code Art. 823..

Non-payment in time

Perform all prescribed items in a written warranty obligation, then you will work out an excellent reputation, respectively, you will find more new partners. Correct your finances correctly, do not let false promises that do not fulfill. And in the end, the case will go up - income will increase.

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