How to contact a letter

How to contact a letter

As rare, we began to write letters, even electronic. Basically, such an opportunity is remembered only when it is necessary or when sending advertising messages. Nevertheless, the writing tool still remains one of the most effective ways to interact with each other. It is very important to pay attention to the style of writing, contacting the addressee and the general direction of the text, especially in business letters. So how to contact the recipient in the letter?

Mr. or Mrs. This appeal, which was extremely relevant in the posts of previous years and remained official in Russia until 1917, is used in some cases to this day. Eating is possible in contacting business partners, political figures, businessmen, high-ranking officials. Currently, this word has some social color and a certain subtext. It will be completely inappropriate, it will be with a letter to socially unprotected groups: "Lord Pensioners," Lord Refugees ", etc.

An example of a letter consuming "Lord" can be downloaded from us: Sample invitation letter.

Dear / respected and surname or the name-patronymic of the addressee. This type of appeal is the most popular. Not in vain at all, as the sender actually expresses a certain proportion of respect. It should be distinguished that the family appeal gives the letter greater official and strengthens the distance between written interlocutors. If you are counting on a softer and friendly perception of your letter, use the name and patronymic.

Sample letter with this appeal can be downloaded from us: Sample letter confirmation.

Dear / expensive and name or patronymic name. Letters with this appeal is made to send people with whom the sender is familiar personally. The exceptions are congratulations letters, where you want to express the most positive attitude towards the recipient.

You can see an example of such a letter here: Sample lettering.

If you do not know the name of the addressee, you can, in the end, just say hello or wish good day and set out the essence of the written message. It is important to take into account and observe etiquette and pay attention to the other components of the business letter.

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