Varicosis is one of the main problems for most people after forty years, especially for those whose profession is associated with a constant load on the legs. The extension of the veins occurs due to improper blood flow, in which blood does not have time to circulate in veins in a timely manner and its stagnation occurs. The vessels are significantly increased in size, and bugs of blue are becoming visible on the surface of the skin. In the early stages there is a manifestation of venous grid. One of the effective tools that will help to easily cope with this ailment is Darsonval. This device is able to cure varicose veins without surgery. Consider how it acts.
Description of the apparatus and the correct selection
To proceed to the elimination of varicose veins, you should familiarize yourself with the device and understand its principle of action. Darsonval device is a massager with removable nozzles. They are also called electrodes. Each electrode has its own form and is intended for a certain type of treatment. Therefore, it is initially necessary to make the right choice of nozzles. In the case of varicose veins, we will need a T-shaped nozzle and a "petal" electrode. In addition, there are many non-standard models of electrodes for the impact on varicose veins. They are better improved and have a more complex design.
Principle of operation
Darsonvalization of varicose veins is the action of high-frequency current pulses on the surface of the skin, during which the elasticity of vessels scored by excessive amounts of blood takes place. The walls of the vessels under the influence of this current occur in the desired tone and are aligned. After Vienna becomes an elastic, it will be able to resume full blood exchange, and all the extra residues of the liquid will leave a painful place. Overnight and bugs on the legs will significantly decrease in size and eventually disappear over time.
Method of use
Taking at home the treatment of varicose veins device Darsonval, it is recommended to carry out such rules to achieve a positive effect:
- The procedure is performed by contact with the skin. The direction of movement of the electrode should be only from the bottom up, that is, from the ankle to the thigh. Led electrode follows only along the veins, and not across.
- Massage must be made by smooth movements, in no case to put pressure on the barride surface.
- You can not keep Darsonval for a long time at one point, as it is easy to get a burn.
- One procedure lasts about ten to fifteen minutes.
- The course of treatment is required at least ten days a month, depending on the degree of magnification of the veins.
- To achieve the maximum effect, it is enough to implement the procedure every month throughout the year.
- If the varicose leaves are not at all visible at all, it is necessary to maintain the result for about a year with a monthly interval to perform darsonialization additionally.
- When reluctance, use the device independently should appeal for help from specialists. This service is sufficiently distributed in many medical institutions and cosmetic salons.
Complex complex
Darsonvalem treatment will be not as effective if it is initially not to eliminate the cause of varicose veins, and for this it is worth monitoring its rhythm of life and comply with simple requirements:
- You are in constant motion. If possible, we go a lot, it is well strengthening the heart and the vascular system, without leaving the blood ability to stick in place.
- Do not stand for a long time on the legs, and even more so on one. The load must be distributed on all parts of the body. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to change the place of position.
- Do not take a very long time-sitting position and in no case fall asleep sitting. Constantly kneading caviar in this position.
- Wear special clothing from varicose formations.
- Do not be close at any hot source, as this will increase the pressure in the area with varicose veins and provokes a complication.
- When bathing, use water temperate temperature and postpone the adoption of baths for the evening day.
- At night, keep the feet above the level of the heart. To do this, you can put a pillow under them.
- Do not abuse salty foods. Salt delays the withdrawal of fluid from the body.
Contraindications for use
This device is not recommended to use if there is cardiovascular insufficiency, epilepsy, poor blood intake, sharp neurosis, pregnancy, malignant tumors, bleeding and tuberculosis. Before starting applying Darsonval, it is advisable to visit the specialist and to be examined for contraindications. And when used, be sure to follow the instructions.
Legs require no less concerns than other parts of the body. And such a trouble like varicose veins is easily and simply eliminated by electrotherapy. Therefore, you should not worry about this, it is only necessary to maximize all useful tips described above.