Alycha is very similar to the plum, but she has a stronger fragrance and very tender flesh. Many gardeners grow this tree, but it is reluctant from its fruits from its fruits. Most varieties of Alyci, the bone is very poorly separated from the pulp and this feature of the fruit absolutely does not like the mistress. In the extreme case, they rush Alych into banks along with the bones and get compote. However, it is worth looking for these fruits and learn to make delicious billets.
Alychi varieties
Along with varieties with a poorly discharged bone, Alychi has and varieties are completely opposite. In recent decades, breeders brought such types such, bones of which are separated quite well. The most famous such variety is Lama, whose bone is easily separated from the pulp and it is Lama that can be recommended for cooking jam as a whole halves.
All other common varieties with an increase in the melt bone (globe, Cleopatra, Huck, Nonmeyan, Abundant, Tsarskaya) are suitable only for jams, compotes, juices, sauces.
Jam from Alychi
You will need:
- 4 kg of halves of Alychi;
- 4 kg of sugar sand;
- 500 ml of water.
Jam recipe:
- Cook syrup from all the water and halves of sugar (2 kg). Syrup Syrup 2-3 minutes and be sure to remove white foam from it.
- Halves of Alychi Fill with hot syrup and tilting the pelvis to the sides, achieve all the fruits to be in the sugar fill. The pelvis on fire is not yet, and wait for the syrup in it is cold. During this time, the halves of Alychi are appropriate with sugar and become elastic.
- Cold mass from Syrope and Alychi Fall off the second half of sugar (2 kg) and very neatly so as not to memorize, mix the contents of the pelvis. Give the mass to stand a couple of hours so that sugar on the bottom began to dissolve.
- Put the dishes with future jam on a slow fire and bring the content to boil. Boil 5-10 minutes before the moment until the sugar grains in jam remains.
- Remove the pelvis from the fire and give the jam to cool for 8 hours.
- Bring the boil jam to boil and cook for 5 minutes.
- Give jam again cool and again expose it to heat treatment for 5 minutes.
- After the last cooking, run the blank on the jars while it is still hot.
The jam cooked in this way is obtained very transparent and with the whole solid halves of Alychi.
Jam from Alychi
For Jame, any ripe Alycha is suitable, even surpassed.
- 1 kg of fruits lay out in a saucepan and add half a glass of water to them. Bring Alych to a boil and boil to its complete softening.
- After the fruits are slightly cooled, put them in a colander together with all the liquid and wipe the wooden pestle. In the colander, you should have only bones and skins that you no longer need.
- Weigh the resulting puree and mix it with sugar. It takes it from one to one and a half kilograms per kilogram puree. The amount of sugar depends on what sweetness of the jam you want to get.
- Boil the jam about an hour on a very slow fire and constantly preventing it.
- Shoot the hot blank on the jars and encounter them.
Compote from Alychi
So that the compote is not only delicious, but also beautiful, take a dark color. You can also take a few of its varieties (red, yellow, pink).
- Live tight fruits to liter banks. Banks Fill on 2/3 volumes. Each jar with Alyci pour boiling water and let them stand for 40 minutes.
- Drain the water from the cans and boil the syrup on it. Suppose sugar so much so that it accounted for 16-18 teaspoons to each liter jar. If the fruits are sour, then the sugar put more, if sweet is less.
- Fill the fruits with boiling syrup and immediately tighten the canes with covers. Wrap them with a blanket and let it cool during the day.
Fasting from Alychi
This workpiece will become an excellent alternative to store candies and other similar sweets.
- Alych, who has a well separated bones, disassemble on the halves. Run it in a puree with a blender or meat grinder.
- Each kilogram of mass add 4 tablespoons of sugar sand. Stir and put on a slow fire for 5-10 minutes. During this time, sugar must completely dissolve.
- Flat baking sheets are made by parchment, lubricated vegetable oil. Put on them a sweet mask of Alychi and crumple a layer of 0.5 cm.
- Set the sheets into a fitted hot oven. Drying temperature hold no more than 50 degrees.
- When the mass thickens and elaborate crust will appear on its surface, move the sheets in the sun.
- Check off her grazing to its complete hardening, but quite a flexible state. You can leave for this one or two days.
- Floors dried puree Sprinkle with sugar powder and roll them into rolls. Shoot rolls in small pieces.
- The finished portion of the top of the top also spray powder from sugar and put it in banks or boxes.
Sauce to meat from Alychi
Original Winter Sauce from Alyci will perfectly complement any meat: kebab, steak, baked lamb, duck or chicken in the oven, spicy sausages on the grill. For this Sauce, Alych take very dark color.
- 1 kg of fruits pour a third glass of water and boil Alych to its complete softening. Wipe the mass through the metallic sieve.
- Puree additionally boil - 5-7 minutes.
- In the hot mass. Put 1 tsp. Salt, 3 ppm Sugar, 1 tsp. Chile pepper powder, 1 tbsp. Ground Coriander, 1 tbsp. All together tapping 10 minutes.
- Hot sauce bully on jars and cape them. Store in the cold.
- In winter, opening a jar with a sauce, add to it a handful of frozen with summer spicy herbs: dill, kinza, mint, basil.
You can add herbs to the sauce and in the summer, but with them the sauce will not be kept for a long time. In order for sauce with herbs to please you all winter, spread it in containers and freeze. In winter, get the container from the freezer and give the sauce to know how for 8-10 hours, standing on the shelf of the refrigerator.
Video will teach you to do from Alyci Adzhika.