What to wash off the hu?

What to wash off the hu?

Henna is a natural dye of red-colored, which has been widely distributed in the Beauty Industry. How to be if the coloring pigment must be deleted?

How to wash off a hat with hair?

Henna is used for hair coloring quite often. Natural dye gives curls a rich redhead, while not damaging the structure of the latter. How to wash off the fireflower? The easiest of the whole Henna is deleted during the first two weeks after staining.

  • Specialized means for removing Henna - Paul Mitchell, Salerm, Estelle, Hair, Decoxon.
  • Well pull the coloring pigment from the hair oil masks. Apply the preheated olive oil (for example) oil along the entire length of the curls. Leave the tool "work" for 2 hours, insulated with a towel or cap. After - wash the chapel with ordinary shampoo.
  • Wash your head using the household soap. After that, apply an oil mask on the curls.
  • Place in a glass of water 10 tbsp. l. Soda and salt spoon. Damm your cotton disk and apply tools along the entire length of the chapels. Leave the composition for 1 hour.
  • Mute the bright redhead tone will help the mask from the sour cream. The product must be applied to the hair and cover the head with a hat from polyethylene. Exposure time - 1 hour.
  • An alternative to the previous recipe can be a combination of kefir and yeast. Connect 40 g of mushroomkills and a glass of kefir. The resulting means to apply 2 hours daily until the desired result is obtained.

If you do not have time for long-term pigment removal, the optimal option will be the painting of the hair into the darker, rather than the current, shade.

How to wash off henu with eyebrows?

When painting eyebrows using Henna The main task is to carry out this procedure as neat as possible, without smearing the skin around the eyebrows. For this:

  • Before the staining procedure, apply a rich layer of fat cream on the skin.
  • Heat the bee wax on the water bath and process the skin around the staining location.

If you did not like the resulting result, you need to wash off. For this purpose, you can:

  • If the desire to remove the henu appeared immediately after staining, it is quite thoroughly washed face. After that, apply any vegetable oil on your eyebrows. The fat composition should be applied and rinse several times during the day.
  • Lighten the red pigment with hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton swab and treat them the hairs.
  • Use the finished cosmetic to remove the henna from the hair.

How to wash off a hu from the skin surface?

If the skin of hands suffered during hair dyeing, it must be cleaned. The presented methods will also be relevant if necessary to remove Mehendi's murals.

1. Racking ways of exposure.

  • Careful skin washing using household soap. The method is only suitable for removing fresh traces of henna.
  • Connect the spoonful of lemon juice and soda with a small amount of water. Apply the resulting Cashitz onto cotton sponge and thoroughly rub into the painted area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Remedies wash off with water. The procedure is repeated no earlier than a day.
  • Any vegetable oil is slightly warming up in a water bath. Using cotton tampon, apply a means to the skin and cover it with a food film. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
  • Connect 2 tbsp. Olive oil and brandy. The resulting area is treated with the required sections and leave the composition on the skin per hour.

2. Scraping surface.

  • Use the finished cosmetic scrub. The action is based on the exfoliation of the damaged layer, so there will be no instant effect.
  • The use of sea salt granules. Their action is similar to "work" of the traditional scrub. A more gentle alternative is salt masks. Prepare a saline and moisten a fragment of matter. Place this fabric on the painted area and secure the food film. The remedy leaves for 30-40 minutes. Rinse the skin with water.
  • Antibacterial soaps apply to a toothbrush and thoroughly rub pollution areas.
  • Moisten the skin of the hands and apply to its surface of the dental powder. Rub the composition with a toothbrush, and after - rinse the skin.

3. Alcohol-containing compositions.

These substances are effective, but have a rather aggressive impact.

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%).
  • Ammonia solution of 10% (ammonia alcohol).
  • Acetate solution. For its preparation, you connect vinegar and water in equal shares.
  • Vodka or alcohol.
  • Cosmetic lotions with the inclusion of alcohol.

Any of the funds apply on a cotton disk or tampon and thoroughly rub the painted skin area.

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