Jade is a bath, how to choose

Jade is a bath, how to choose

Jadeitis - a semi-precious stone having a low thermal conductivity. It is precisely because the mineral slowly heats up, he also slowly gives it warm. This property is used when the bath is arranged. Jadeitis is considered one of the best stones for pairs with electrical furnaces and bath-chairs.

How to choose a jade for a bath? In nature, there are several varieties of this mineral, which are distinguished by properties and price. "Imperial" is the most expensive kind of mineral. This species is used in the manufacture of jewelry. Its price is very high and amounts to 30-50 thousand dollars per gram. For arranging baths use the type of "utilitus". This mineral variety is used for the manufacture of crafts and for technical purposes.

Jade is a bath, how to choose

In industry, Jadeitis is mined with explosives. Therefore, cracks can be formed on the surface and inside the stones. Accordingly, with constant heating and cooling, such material will quickly grind. For the bath it is desirable to acquire the material produced by the method of filling or tanting. It costs it more expensive than industrial "scalp", but its physical properties are much better.

Jade is a bath, how to choose

An alternative to the sawn mineral can be a river stone. All garbage and mineral impurities are washed out of boulder with river water. Accordingly, it has a rounded shape and a smooth surface. Popaisa Jadeitis has an uneven color. On its surface there is a "web". It is the river jade that it is best to purchase for a steam room. It does not crack when heated.

Jade is a bath, how to choose

It is worth remembering that the mineral melts at temperatures above 1200 ° C, so it is necessary to heat it in contactless way. It is recommended to use a stone not only in the furnace, but also for the finishing of the walls of the steam room. When heating the jadeitis and a lot of mineral substances are distinguished on it. Metacremium acid has anti-inflammatory properties and favorably affects the respiratory system. With the help of the Jadeitis you can cure skin diseases.

Jade is a bath, how to choose

The color of the stone for the bath should be gray or green. If you wet the surface of the mineral, then a bright "web" should appear on it. It is worth remembering that a lot of chromium is present in the stones of yellow color. Muddy mineral contains a lot of iron.

Jade is a bath, how to choose

Jadeit is the best stone for a bath. It has low thermal conductivity and high density. A small amount of microcracks contributes to long-term operation of a stone in a steam room.

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