When to harvest brooms for a bath

When to harvest brooms for a bath

What does the Russian Bath begins? Of course, with a fluffy fragrant broom. To amateurants may seem that there is nothing easier than to block, sharpen and tie the branches of trees. In fact, this is a rather subtle and scrupulous event. If the preparation procedure is broken, then such a broom will not bring any benefit or pleasure.

Collection of brooms It is customary to start a trinity on a holiday. As a rule, this is the beginning - mid-June. You can not use trees growing near car trails, industrial plants or under high-voltage wires. The weather on this day should be dry and warm. Preferably the first half of the day.

While in the forest, be careful to nature. Do not break down, but using a secateur, carefully cut off the required branches. Give preference to young plants, 3-4 years old. Their branches are thin and elastic, and the leaves are soft, velvety. By bringing raw materials for brooms home, let him get a little in a dark cool place where there is no direct sunlight.

Rightly tie a broom - a whole science. Its dimensions are selected individually. As a rule, the length of the rod is 40-70 cm, the height of the "handles" of the broom is about the width of two palms. The broom should not be too rare, but also a heavy, massive unit will be inconvenient and quickly tired of the buyer.

In the process of collecting this bath bouquet, try to put thicker and elastic branches in the center, and closer to the edges are thin, elastic. The slope of the rod should be inclined to the middle so that the broom is assembled and accurate, and not looked "shaggy". It is desirable that the facial shiny part of the leaves look outward, and the rough matte side is inside. The zone for which the broom is held is called Coller. From it carefully remove the leaves and level the edges.

To secure branches, it is better to use a lace from natural materials - the twine, bandage, a hemp rope, etc. Do not take the synthetic or metal wire. First, it is necessary to tighten the Colel closer to the base, and then make another dense rewind right under the leaves.

Dry ready-made brooms in a dry, not bright room suspended by leaves down. This may be an attic, a veranda or a subsidiary, the main condition is the lack of moisture and direct sunlight. If they are dried by couples or in a lying position, then you must not forget to periodically turn over, changing the dried and still wet side by places.

If the bath broom is made and dried correctly, it can be used 3-4 times, the aroma will not go out, and the leaves will remain on the branches, while maintaining integrity and color. If the brooms need in the near future, you can store them in the same way as drying happened. And if the reserves were produced by the future, it is best to add them to the "currency" in a cardboard box with ventilation holes. Or distribute the blanks on the haymaker.

You can make a bath broom from almost any tree or bush. All of them possess certain characteristics and properties. In Russia, birch and oak brooms are considered traditional. For birch brooms, only young and flexible shoots are used. Due to this, such a steam room will be soft and pleasant. This broom has a positive effect on the respiratory system - trachea, lungs, bronchi.

A broom of an oak, on the contrary, is suitable for hardy and healthy bays. Dense wide leaves are perfectly catching up heat, and tuning substances and resins pull up and cleaned skin. Eucalyptus broom - not cheap pleasure, but his aroma and healing properties are worth. It is applied to the treatment and prevention of runny nose and colds. You can add only 1-3 branches of the eucalyptus in any broom, it will give the necessary effect.

The juniper broom is pretty stuck, but it can be squeezed, knowing his amazing bactericidal properties. It is often used in rheumatism. Like eucalyptus, juniper is quite a few branches to a common bouquet. Also enjoy the popular conifer, rope, rowan, lime and hollow brooms. Even the most cautious person will find himself a broom to taste.

Using the above-described advice, you can create a perfect broom for your health and preferences. It will last a few sessions, it does not turn, does not lose the smell. Bring only benefits, wonderful well-being and pleasure.

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