Empties on zucchini - a frequent phenomenon on country beds, which deprives peace of novice gardens. It is not worth worrying if the male inflorescences are a bit, because they are necessary for sustainable fruiting. If there are more empty flowers than women's urins, you need to take urgent measures to collect a good crop fall.
How to distinguish the emptiness on zucchini?
Flowers on zucchini are two species - male and female.
- Empty-flower - Men's inflorescences that are not able to tie a fruit, but only synthesize pollen to pollinate women's flowers. They are blooming first, throwing bright yellow bells with an orange stagger, resembling a miniature corn.
- Women's inflorescences have a short and smooth leg with thickening, like a cucumber - this is a future zucchini.
- Men's individuals are sitting on an elongated stalk with sharp spikes, and after flowering dry and dying.
IMPORTANT: Do not plunder empties, plant growth and stock formation can be stopped.
Why do pigsons appear on zucchki?
The reasons for the formation of a set of "lazy" flowers are several:
- Bad sowing material: that is, you have acquired overdue seeds, or the supplier violated the storage rules and as a result - the plants gave a huge number of male flowers.
- Thickened landing. Zucchini in a shaded place almost do not form fruits, as insect pollinators rarely appear in the shade.
- Wrong water procedures. Water vegetables are better under the root of cool water, since the irrigation of the bush with legs to the head leads to sticking and flossing pollen.
- Diseases and pests. The affected plant spends a lot of nutrients for the restoration of forces, and not on the zeeping of Zelentsov.
- Invalid feeding. Zucchini love nitrogen fertilizers, but in moderation, if the fertilizers of surplus - the plant will only reproduce the emptying.
How to deal with emptyweight on zucchini?
The factors of the formation of empty flowers is quite a few, but all of them are removed:
- Wormwood will come to revenue at spotted rust. Brew the beam of grass (about shelter) in 8 liters of boiling water, cool down, strain and treat bushes on a green cone.
- From the threshold and the spider tick will help the ash infusion. Stir 1 kg of ash in a bucket of hot water and span the lower leaves of the zucchini and the ground under them.
- With damage to the mosaic virus and white rot - doincate the spoiled parts of the plants and remove away from landing.
- Buy seeds from proven agrofirms to avoid delay - seeds of pumpkin cultures retain the germination of no more than one and a half years.
- In a rainy summer, when there are few insects, stimulate the fruiting drugs like - "ovary" or "bud". With a strong heat, so that the airlodes do not fly away, spray the plants with a solution of boric acid (5 g of 10 liters of water).
Why on zucchini empties - small tricks
So that the zucchini laid female blooms, you need to observe some of the references of the cultivation:
- Put in the fall of humus or compost (1 bucket per 1 sq. M) on the territory allotted under the zucchini.
- Seita in the wells (depth - 1.5 cm) two grains to subsequently remove the slop sprout.
- Water under the root as the soil drying down, loose carefully to break the enema crust and not damage the roots.
- Use the urea and superphosphate for the extra-root feeder (spraying), taking on the water bucket of 15 g of the first and 30 g of the second substance.
Understanding the reason for the formation of pigtails, apply our tips on their zucchinic plantations, and empty flowers on plants will be much less.