For those who grow garlic, it is probably not surprising to hear that sometimes garlic shine. Let's find out today, what is the cause of such a behavior of garlic and what to do if it happens.
Yellow leaves garlic
To enormous regret, on land plots such a phenomenon is observed completely and nearby. It is very sad to observe how the leaves of the vegetable under consideration begin to turn yellow from the tips, and over time, this yellowness passes to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheets. Such a phenomenon becomes an obstacle in the development of the plant itself, and this ultimately leads to the fact that the bulbs grow very small.
Let's figure out why garlic yellowels and sweeps with time:
- The first and most common cause is that after winter, when the snow goes out, garlic, sometimes, falls under frosts and this is what leads to the yellowing of the leaves on it.
- The following reason for the yellowness of the leaves is the presence of some diseases (and more often it is fungal-type diseases). As soon as such a nasty is starting. The leaves of garlic immediately reacts to their presence.
In the event that garlic yellower after freezing, it is desirable to immediately take action and process a vegetable stimulant. An effective solution of this type includes a zircon, epin, etc.
Diseases of vegetable
To enormous regret, garlic often sick. As mentioned earlier, immediately after the appearance of the disease, the leaves begin to shrink and wither. Get rid of the diseases of fungal type is not so simple, especially if the garlic suffers from bacterial rot. It is for this reason that it is necessary to prevent the development of this problem.
In order to avoid the infection of garlic worth the disinfection of the teeth for planting before you land them into the ground. In this case, effective means will be:
- manganese (but only a solution should be weak)
- the drug called "Maxim"
- "Phytosporin"
In the event that you have read this article after garlic landed, do not worry, not everything is lost - just paint the entire bed of garlic with the proposed solutions.
If there were no frosts, and there were no diseases on garlic, and the garlic still yellowed, the question arises - why and what to do?
So, the reason for such behavior may be the lack of necessary components in the soil, therefore, experts recommend to feed garlic (and, to do it worth it in the spring). Excellent means for this fertilizer will become, and both mineral and organic.
Fertilizer garlic
It is necessary to understand that it is necessary to fertilize the considered vegetable too correctly. So, the fertilizer process is as follows:
- Between rows with garlic need to make the land loose
- We make a furrower with a chopper, but not too deep, centimeter 3, it will be enough.
- In the well-done well, felt fertilizer with granules or my chosen mineral fertilizer
- After that, we fall asleep all this with the earth and water water (it should not be warm or too cold). It must be remembered that the fertilizers under consideration are absorbed only if they are carefully dissolved that is why they must be thoroughly watered.
- Now it's time to carefully sprinkle the polished rows of dry ground so that moisture is maintained much longer.
If such a fertilizer option for some reason did not fit or did not like, you can try another option:
- In this case, we will use mineral fertilizer. To prepare the mixture under consideration, it will be necessary to dissolve in ten liters of flowing water 2 teaspoons of urea.
- The prepared composition is watering our garlic, with the calculation that these ten liters are enough for watering 1 square meter.
It is worth noting that such a type of fertilizer is considered the most effective, because liquid fertilizers faster penetrate the root system than granulated fertilizers.
If you want to feed garlic with an extraxanle method, then it is necessary:
- Potassium sulfate feed culture
- To prepare the solution, it will be necessary in five liters of water to dissolve 5 teaspoons of potassium sulfate.
- Using the sprayer, abundantly spray the leaves on garlic. It will be necessary to process each bush, each leaf.
The way it is necessary to fertilize garlic in a dry weather and so that there is no wind. As for organic fertilizers, there is a fairly effective tool here.
Pest and landing time
Do not forget that the yellowing of garlic can occur and due to the landing time of the vegetable. Inexperienced gardeners often make the following error - garlic landing too early (in early September, that is, you can say, at the beginning of summer), but experienced gardeners know that the ideal date for the landing is a few weeks before the cold come.
If garlic put too early. In the spring, it will come out and will come out, which means that yellow leaves simply cannot be avoided on it.
The pests on garlic, too, nothing positive will obviously will not bring the plant, especially since the pests are often the reason for the yellowing of culture. To get rid of the existing problem, you can use a solution with salt. To prepare this, it will take to dissolve 150 g of salts (preferably cooking) in 10 liters of water.
There are reasons that lead to yellow leaves on garlic, but there are ways to combat these reasons that are presented above.