How to save cucumbers from yellowing?

How to save cucumbers from yellowing?

For the glooders, this article will become quite useful, because today we will find out for what reason the cucumbers can turn yellow and how to deal with this problem.

Causes of the problem

Probably, each Ogorodnik faced the problem under consideration when the cucumbers begin to shut up and what to do with it, you do not know. It is worth noting that the glare leaves on cucumbers can in different period of development. And by the way, they can also turn yellow - then they are completely covered with yellow, then partially stained. In some cases, after yellowing, the period of twisting and disappearance occurs.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons for which the leaves on the cucumbers are yellowing, it is important to find out what exactly the help for such behavior of the leaves, only this way can solve the problem.

So let's find out why the leaves are yellowing:

  • Often, insufficient illumination of seedlings or already formed plants can lead to the problem under consideration. In fact, there is nothing terrible, because it is a natural process. After all, the cucumber bed is a kind of jungle, where they get the light (top), others, the lower - remain without it. Gardener It is necessary to simply turn the leaves that the wishes and nothing more required.
  • The following reason may be in the overaffect or disadvantage of moisture. It is worth understanding that the Rule of the Golden Middle is relevant and in this case, so that everything should be in moderation. Remember that in the summer period of time the optimal option will be watering 2-4 times a week, depending on the temperature indicators. If it is very hot on the street, the daily watering will not hurt during this period, but in this case you should not forget that it is necessary to cut the earth after the procedure produced. Otherwise, it will simply be afraid, and the root system cannot do without sufficient oxygen regime.
  • The rainy week can also negatively affect the cucumbers - the roots begin to rot, and leave the leaves and shine. It is very important during this period again to cut the earth so that the roots receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.

  • Well, where without typical fungal diseases. As soon as the culture begins to hurt with one of them, the first who suffer from the damage to the fungus, it is, of course, leaves. Common diseases of the type under consideration include pithiosis, fusariosis. Particularly active data from the diseases are in a period of sharp drops of temperature indicators.
  • Pests are not the last reason for the appearance of yellow leaves on cucumber stems. It should be understood that the pests in the literal sense of the word - simply suck all the useful substances and juices from the plant and it is very not surprising when the leaves are starting to turn yellow under such circumstances.

How to deal with a problem?

To begin with, I would like to say that the best struggle with the problem under consideration is to prevent its appearance, that is, prevention. Therefore, let's consider all sorts of preventive measures that will reduce, and sometimes we will switch to zero the likelihood of the appearance of yellow leaves on culture:

  • You should not put the cucumbers in the same place from year to year, because the culture chooses from the soil all the trace elements useful for it, and the next year of culture simply will have nothing to eat.
  • Do not forget to feed and fertilize cucumbers. An excellent feeding in this case will become infusion of grass and ash. Make E at home is very simple, so you will not have any problems with cooking. Remember, the ash is an excellent way to feed the earth, to fit it and replenish the microelements fit for cucumbers.
  • Let's talk about verified fertilizer recipes for cucumbers. Which you can do at home and save the culture from yellow leaves:
  • As soon as small shoots come together and small leaflets will appear on them, it is necessary to add ash to the soil, after which every 12 days it will be necessary to water the plants with a special solution (mix the economic soap of 15 g, 900 g of milk and 25 drops of ordinary medical iodine, dissolve the mixture in bucket of running water). If the garden is not lazy and every 12 days will feed the cucumbers with such a fertilizer. Before the autumn period, the cucumbers will stand fresh and green leaves on the trunks in the trunks.

  • At the beginning of the summer, the culture under consideration can be poured by a soda solution. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 2 teaspoons of soda in 11 liters of water. Thus, you can protect cucumbers from fungi, because the alkaline environment is destructive for them.
  • In that case, if you rushed to save cucumbers after yellow leaves have already appeared, it is necessary to treat cucumbers with a special milk solution. To prepare such fertilizer you will need kefir or serum (on your choice). In the bucket of water will need to split 2.5 liters. Selected fermented dairy product and water cucumbers. In order for the ovary to be better, it can be added to this solution some more sugar (gram 100-150 will be enough).
  • If the leaves of cucumbers are wishes from pests, then you need a husk from a bow, which will need to pour 8 liters of running water. All this is to bring to a boil, after which it was insistant within 10-15 hours. The cooked mortar to water the cucumbers, and, not once, and you will forget about pests and yellow leaves on cucumbers.

All the above events will help the gardece to cope with the problem under consideration and no longer remember it this season, the main thing is to identify the reason why yellow leaves appeared on the cucumbers.

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