How to save tomatoes from phytophors?

How to save tomatoes from phytophors?

For those who grow tomatoes every year, this article will become informative and very useful. For experienced gardeners, it is not a secret that tomatoes each season are sick, and these diseases can be the most different. One of the most common is a phytoftor. Let's talk today about how to deal with this problem and what to do to avoid her appearance.

Signs of the disease

The phytoofer belongs to the fungal disease, which means it spreads very quickly, which destructively affects the culture under consideration. In addition, this problem appears almost every year, so you need to learn how to deal with it, and best of all, to prevent its appearance.

A feature of this disease is his vitality:

  • saving a dispute on garden tools
  • local in the middle soils
  • sending on the walls of greenhouse structures
  • long preservation on seeds, which are then planted in the ground (it turns out that gardeners. Sometimes, not knowing it, it's already sick seeds in the ground and to prevent the appearance of phytoophulas on them becomes extremely difficult)
  • Most often, the plants suffer from the disease under consideration during the period of protracted rains, as well as with high humidity level.

It is worth noting that the treatment of culture is worth starting immediately after identifying the signs of this disease, namely:

  • tomato sprouts gradually acquire a dark unnatural color, and if not to pay attention to it, they become even darker (practically black), and not to notice this - already explicitly inattention to culture and its development.
  • the lower part of the sheets will gradually boil, large stains appear on it, and if it is not noticed at once, you can not even save the sheet, because it will be completely dried, and it will not be possible to restore it
  • black spots begin to appear directly on the tomatoes themselves, which seems to be "devouring" the fruit.

It should be immediately noted that the above information should be used to understand that if it is not to detect and not to notice the appearance of phytophors, it is very quickly spreading and can destroy the entire harvest.

Causes of the problem

The reasons for the appearance of the problem under consideration may be the following factors:

  • In the case of planting a culture into ground and covering them with a film (creating, thus, the greenhouse conditions for them). Many gardeners do not understand that they do not help the plants, and they lie down, because due to the drops of temperature indicators, the so-called condensate is formed under the film, which becomes an excellent condition for spreading phytoophulas. It is worth remembering that the problem under consideration can gain "turns" and distribute only in a raw environment (where the level of humidity is increased).
  • If the plant is not enough air (that is, if oxygen starvation occurs). Most often, such a problem occurs in tall varieties of tomatoes. If they are not taped, they are brazed with stems among themselves and create an impassable air atmosphere.
  • Frequent rains and high humidity are another reason for the operational distribution of the disease under consideration.

Fitoftoro fighting

After you have determined for the reason for the appearance of this problem. You can proceed to the operational fight against it. Let's consider the main ways to eliminate this problem.

Common method are funds that can be purchased. Such methods include spraying of tomatoes by fungicides. The method is really effective, but provided if the spraying procedure is carried out before the tomatoes cause. Popular means of this type can be attributed:

  • Fundazoll.
  • Phytosporin
  • Trichopol.

Dragged ("prepare") the drugs under consideration are necessary in accordance with the instructions that are always on the packaging of the acquired fund.

Folk remedies. In addition to the fact that you can purchase products from phytophtors in specialized points, you can also take advantage of the recipes of people "medicine" for cultures. It is worth noting immediately to act that they will not be as quickly as purchased funds, but their main advantages are safety, harmlessness for the human body, which will consequently consume the fruits of this culture:

  • Copper vitrion. To get an effective remedy against phytoophulas, which will need to spray tomatoes before the tomatoes begin to bloom, you will need to dissolve the drug in question in the amount of 4th teaspoons in 10 liters of running water.
  • Seliver Calcium. If you do not fit or do not like the first component for a useful solution, then you can replace it with a calcium saltper, a tablespoon that will need to be divorced in a bucket of water (bucket - 10 liters).
  • Infusion of garlic. In order to avoid the appearance of phytoophulas on tomatoes. Plants should be treated with garlic infusion. For his preparation you will need garlic, potassium permanganate, water. So, the preparation is that it is necessary to chop garlic finely (and it is better to skip it through the davil). Take such a mixture of 100 g and pour them 250 ml of ordinary water. This decoction is to leave for 24 hours. After a weathered time, TSDIM is given a solution and add to it the entire gram of permangat potassium. The solution is ready for use.

The methods under consideration are proven and effective, so if you want to get rid of phytoophulas - all of the above information to help you.

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