How to save the root of orchid?

How to save the root of orchid?

Orchid lovers know how hard to care for them. On the one hand, there is nothing super complex in this process, but if you compare with other colors, the orchids will no doubt be among the most arring. It often happens that the orchids rot on the roots, and this is a whole catastrophe. Let's talk today about what to do with orchid when she starts to disappear roots, we will talk about the methods of rescue flower.

The main component of the development of orchids

Many flowerflowers are confident that there is more beautiful orchids of domestic flowers, it is simply no, whether it is to judge everyone individually, but many do not like these plants because of their ugly roots. For those who do not know in the same way that it is the roots that are the main component of the development of this plant and it is worth only to cut and the plant will not live, so those who are not satisfied with the very beautiful root system of these plants, you will have to abandon their breeding .

Some types of orchids grow without sawdust and develop by air, that is, orchids do not need anything other than their own roots for high-quality and operational development (this is for the conviction that the roots are an important component of orchids).

Causes of root rotting

Let's now understand the reasons for which the roots can rot for orchids:

  • The first and most important mistake that inexperienced flowers makes, pour orchid. It must be remembered that it is impossible to irrigate orchid, because they immediately suffer from excessive moisture precisely the roots and rotate very quickly. It should be remembered that in this case the Rule of the Golden Mid is the perfect option.
  • Root roots also due to their supercooling. Consistent temperature differences also negatively affect the root orchid root system, and they begin to poop (frostbite) and rot.
  • Problems with the root system of orchids can begin due to the incorrectly selected container in which it grows. Everything should be in moderation, orchid should feel in a pot comfortably. No need to plant a small orchid into a huge vanza, but also in too small capacitance it will definitely not be comfortable.
  • If the flower breeder did not bother and did not know about the correct selection of soil for orchid, then it was not at all surprising if her roots would rot, because the soil in which she grows, plays a far from its development.

Useful advice

The first thing you need to make a flower engine, which decided to grown orchid on my window, get acquainted with the information about the flower, find out all the details of its cultivation and ways to care.

Do not think that if orchid refers to tropical flowers, it must be regularly pouring into water to maintain a certain level of humidity. If you constantly pour it, nothing but harm will not bring her. In fact, the plant under consideration loves moisture, which is why it is grown in sawdust, which retain moisture very well, but at the same time the flower is not worth it. Experts are recommended to water the plant just once every seven days, and not just watering it from above:

  • water defends
  • orchid put in a special container (you can use a small bowl)
  • poured with water (small)
  • sawdusts pass water through themselves and it turns out to be in the tank where you put a flower
  • in this "bath" orchid should stay at about 30-40 minutes
  • After the procedure performed, we take orchid from the water, we wait until the rest of the water stands from it, and put it on the window until the next irrigation.

If you water orchid, the likelihood that its roots rotate - to decrease at times.

Also in order for the roots did not rot, it is necessary to regularly feed the flower. In the store you can buy special tools for this that will help develop a plant in normal mode, and the roots feel comfortable. Another nuance - experienced flowerflowers know that the instructions for applying fertilizer indicates not quite accurate and correct proportions. It is worth understanding that ideal proportions are half the proportions that are indicated on the packaging of any fertilizer.

Another very important detail is the right choice of the substrate in which the flower will grow. Immediately, I would like to say that before landing orchid in a new substrate, the boron will be required to boil. Most often, it contains a huge amount of pests, as well as infections that, with the "SOTITIES" with a flower, can destroy it, and the roots are first rotated in this case.

Saw orchid

If you see that half the roots of the flower rotted, it is necessary to reanimate the plant, and urgently. So, to save orchids, follow these steps:

  • pull the flower from the bark
  • rinse well roots
  • cutting rotten parts
  • if there is a mold on the stems, it is worth "buying" orchid in a special solution of manganese (leave so orchid for 15 minutes)
  • prepare a new flower pot
  • put the stones on his bottom, which will be the first layer in it
  • now lay a new boron (if there is a desire you can also use a special moss)
  • the bark should be neutralized, it should not be any fungi and pests.
  • after the operations done, you plant an orchid to a new "house" and immediately arrange her "Bath".

Thus, you can reanimate orchid and save her roots from posting.

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