The cucumbers are quite common vegetable culture, therefore, it is not at all surprising that many are wondering how to properly grow this vegetable, how to care for it, etc. Today we will talk to you about why the cucumbers can yellow, leaves on the stems and what you need to know to prevent and prevent this.
Vegetable culture
It should be noted that the problem under consideration may appear not only on cucumbers in the open soil, often yellow fruits and in greenhouses, beds, etc. In order to solve the problem, first need to find out for what reason it happens and only after that it is already picking up a way to solve this problem.
So, the first thing that I would like to say about this is what the most common cause is the presence of yellow fruits on stems, it is not quite the right care, as well as inappropriate conditions for the full and high-quality cultivation of the vegetables under consideration. So, learn to recognize the root of the evil to understand how to deal with him.
Causes of the problem
In fact, the reasons for the manifestation of such a problem are not so much, as it may seem, and therefore, the method of exception can be revealed, which of the presented below and became the "root of evil", with which it is worth fighting:
- Wrong watering. Often this reason is the source of the development of the problem under consideration. Cucumbers love moisture, but not excessive. As in any other case, the Golden Middle is needed here, that is, everything should be in moderation. If the cucumbers water insufficient water and too rarely the result will not make themselves waiting for a long time and the cucumbers will yellow themselves very quickly. If, on the contrary, fill the cucumbers constantly, they just rot on the root, and with leaves and stems. That is why gardeners and gardeners love the expression "in everything there should be a golden mean", the lack and excessiveness negatively affect any culture, any plant. If we talk about the right moisture of the soil, then the ideal option will be wet soil at a depth of at least 11 cm.
- The next reason, which leads to the yellowing of the fruit, is the lack of nutrients in the soil. It's no secret that the soil should relax at least sometimes, that is, once in 3-4 years old, it is necessary to leave it to be empty, nothing to sit on it. Since the gardeners most often do not too much land to leave her alone, although occasionally, the Earth places from year to year by various cultures. Ultimately, the land plot is simply depleted. From it, the plants gradually take all vitamins, minerals and useful substances. No one says that it is impossible to correct this situation, there is always a way out, in this case it is soil fertilizer. Often, the cucumbers need additional feeding for full and timely development. Sometimes, only regular fertilizer of culture can lead to a really good harvest.
- Cucumbers - a thermal-loving culture and supercooling can negatively affect their development and growth. Often this factor leads to the fact that the cucumbers, like the leaves on them begin to shut, and therefore disappear. It should be understood that the sharp differences of temperature regimes, too low ambient temperature is a real stress for the culture and yellowness under consideration, it gives to understand it.
- Despite the fact that the cucumbers are races in many regions of the country, the sun's rays can also adversely affect them. It should be understood that the excessive heat negatively affects this culture (as well as on a person, by the way). It turns out, under the scurrous sunny rays, the cucumbers begin to "sunbathe", that is, turn yellow, and whether it is necessary for the gardener? Remember that in no case can no water cucumbers in daylight, especially during the scorching sun, because in this way you kill the plant. If water fell on the sheet during this period, he will yellow, like the fruit itself. That this does not happen, it is necessary to water the plants at sunset and close them in the afternoon from direct sunlight. An excellent option is a special grid that is tensioning over plants.
- Viruses, as well as various kinds of disease, are also often the cause of the appearance of yellowness on cucumbers and their leaves. As soon as they found incomprehensible spraying on the fruits or incomprehensible manifestations of yellow spots, it is worth contacting the specialists who will be able to advise you a good facility for the treatment of the plant. Do not hide with it, because many viruses apply very quickly and if you do not cure a patient plant, in a short time you can lose the entire plantation of cucumbers.
- Swim cucumbers also due to the fact that the roots of the plants are damaged. It may happen then when the seedlings are planted into the open Earth or during the weeding. Seed out the seedlings should be very careful not to damage either stem. Neither the root of the plant. If you transplant her from peat pots, remember that you should not completely clean the roots from the ground, because, most often, it is during the cleaning of the roots from peat, they break, deform and wound. Let a little land remain on the root, it does not hurt, and even a positive will affect the future on the growth of plants.
Here are all the main factors that become the causes of the yellowing of cucumbers. Now, knowing why they are yellow, you can easily choose a solution to the problem under consideration. Be careful to your cultures, and then you will get a rich harvest.