The fragrant fragrance of peonies is familiar to almost everyone. Plant blooms in the late spring and in the first weeks of summer. However, not all bushes of peony make a buoy. Why it happens?
Peonies do not bloom - a bad landing place is chosen
Pay attention to the plant landing site. The optimal corner will be the most sunny and bright, well-purged area. Peony loves the sun very much, so his straight rays will only benefit the plant. But in a deaf shadow, the plant will give only violent greens. If the open site could not be found, the light half is suitable.
Do not forget also periodically (but not too often - every 4-5 years) to disassemble the plant. Frequent transplants are depleted by the root system of peony. Plant disembarking is best to spend autumn or in recent years of summer. But in the spring, the peony is better not to disturb - a high probability of injury to its roots.
Do not bloom in peonies - plants landing errors
An important role is played by the depth of planting a flower. Pion does not like deep immersion in the ground. The thickness of the earth over the kidney on the root should not exceed 5-8 cm. Otherwise, the flowering plants will have to wait several seasons - when the root system is growing. But too close to the surface to plant the peony should not, because In winter, he can freeze.
Peonies do not bloom - the correction of the composition of the soil
The abundant color of peonies will provide a good fertilized soil. The plant reacts positively to nutrition in the form of manure, compost or bird litter. The maintenance of potassium in the soil also plays an important role. In the event of a lack of this element, feed peonies with potassium sulfate (10-15 g of composition per 1 sq. M of the soil) or Kalimagnesia (15-20 g per 1 sq. M. m of soil). But with nitrogen connections it is worth being neat. Bad flowering plants can also provoke increased soil acidity. When this fact is detected, we have a soil (350 g of lime per 1 sq. M. m of soil).
Peonies do not bloom - a violation of the water balance of the soil
If there is too dry weather during the start of the boutons, it will not be superfluous, watering plants - the bushes do not water often, but abundantly.
But heavy rains can negatively affect only the appeared buds. If the plant is healthy, excess moisture usually does not affect further flowering. If the peony attacked gray rot, flowering can not be waited. Watch out for the condition of colors and do not forget about the preventive treatment of bushes from pests and diseases.
Peonies do not bloom - plant care errors
The main slip of many flower flowes is cut off the foliage almost immediately after the flowering of the plant. During this period, floral kidneys are laid for the next season. Making a trimming is only deep in autumn.
Negative to the state of peony bushes affects both active cuts of colors. As a result weakens the process of renewal renal formation, and the next season can be found without flowers.
Peonies do not bloom - damage pests and diseases
If the cause of the absence of the color of peonies is the defeat of diseases or nematodes, the only exit will be the digging and destruction of the bush. If the roots of the plant damaged small rodents, take care of the elimination of the latter.