Experienced gardeners know how to properly care for various cultures on their garden, but even they sometimes have a lot of questions regarding the care of plants. Let's talk today about what to do when the kachan on the cabbage is not tied and determined with the possible reasons for the appearance of such a problem.
Causes of lack of wounded kochanov
In fact, the cabbage is not as simple as some other cultures, because it is precisely the regular attack of pests, various kinds of diseases, and also requires careful care. Among other things, quite often the gardeners face the following problem - the Kochan is simply not tied, which means that in the end it is possible to stay without a crop.
To solve the problem, you need to find out the reason for its appearance, so let's understand more about this issue:
- The first and most common cause of such a problem is the acquisition of non-high-quality seeds. It happens that gardeners themselves collect seeds, which is a serious mistake leading to the problem under consideration. Even purchased seeds may not be qualitative, because in the process of crossing various seeds can grow a hybrid. According to the external characteristics, it may be similar to cabbage, but at the same time, the Cochanic may not start and in this case it will be impossible to do with it, it is because when purchasing seeds you need to be extremely attentive and inseparable.
- Unsuccessful place for landing. Gardeners must remember that it is necessary to choose a place for planting the culture under consideration. In the event that you have chosen too dark place for landing, the likelihood of what the cochanists will not get tight, quite large. Cabbage loves light and you need to remember it. Also, do not forget that this culture cannot be so densely, because it will be difficult for her to grow high-quality marking. Pay attention to the type of soil when choosing a seat for landing. Because the cabbage grows very poorly in a sour soil and it is unlikely to give a good ovary.
- Lack of beneficial substances. It is clear that every plant needs microelements beneficial for her, and often they are not enough in the ground (there may be many reasons for it). As soon as the cabbage does not have enough components, the kochens on it simply will not get tuned, which will lead to her infertility. The best option in this case will fall on seedlings in the soil, which will be preliminarily processed by lime.
- Weather. This criterion affects the formation of zerzi as no other. Cabbage does not endure excessive heat and too high temperatures (and this is usually summer we have), and as soon as the leaves loses moisture, the Kochan can simply not get involved.
- Garders must remember that the cabbage is a culture that loves moisture, especially when the sheet begins to form, and then Kochan. It is during this period that the culture needs watering. An important factor for the formation of Kochan is also the loosening of the Earth. After each irrigation, it is desirable to peel the ground so that the root system of the plant breathe and the plant, as it should be saturated with oxygen.
Methods for solving the problem
In order to get an excellent harvest at the end of the season. It is necessary to follow the following rules and recommendations that specialists developed in this area:
- We choose a landing site correctly. There should be too many shadows on this site, the cabbage does not like this very much. Culture must both be in the day and evening. Among other things, you need to remember that the cabbage can be grown not often on the same land plot, and to be more accurate, then once every three, and better, in four years.
- Do not plant a culture in acidic soil. In the event that the level of acidity of the site on which you are going to plant a culture is increased, and there is no other option for some reason, then simply support the soil with membrane and then this site will become suitable for growing culture under consideration.
- Before boarding, it is necessary to prepare the soil for the culture landing. Fertilizers should be entered into the soil in the fall, but in the spring, the site must be well to dissolve and fall and only after that it is already to plant the culture under consideration into the prepared soil.
- Choose the seeds correctly. Do not be kept on a bright packaging. You must pay attention not to packaging, but on the quality of the goods offered, good, high-quality seeds is a rich harvest, and, accordingly, on the contrary.
- Cabbage loves moisture, so that providing her regular and full irrigation will become the main factor for obtaining a good harvest and wounded Kochanov, respectively.
- Feed the plants during their development - this is another important rule that must be followed by all those who expect to see good marking and cabberies on the cabbage, and in consequences, and a good harvest.
- It is clear that the man cannot affect the weather in any way, but at the same time, in case of providing a cabbage of all the necessary conditions for normal development, the garden is unambiguously obtaining an excellent quality and rich harvest.
Some gardeners are confident that for a good cabbage, it is necessary to climb the sheets that are at the very bottom of the stem. It is argued by this process by the fact that the plant will need a lot of strength and energy to grow good marking and kochan, and if you remove the lower sheets (to the cultivation of which cabbage also spends strength), its energy is definitely enough to achieve the goal.