Mold in a washing machine - how to get rid of

Mold in a washing machine - how to get rid of

Washing machines need proper care. It is not rare in them a mold appears, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Before the hosts, the question rises how to get rid of malicious fungus?

Causes of mold in washing machine

The appearance of mold contribute to the aggregate: increased humidity, high air temperature and not a ventilated room. The mold will certainly appear in that washing machine, which regularly erases things at the minimum temperature, do not remove the postgraded things urgently after washing, do not rub the rubber seal with a dry cloth and in the powder compartment, and also do not use anti-scale.

Molds occurrence in the washing machine

Often the fungus is striking:

  • rubber door seal;
  • water supply hoses;
  • water removal hoses;
  • department for detergents.

Before starting to get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to check all sorts of dislocation places so as not to miss the focus of the occurrence. If it does not start fighting mold in time, then the internal details of the washing machine can be amazed, which will significantly complicate the work.

Mold in a washing machine - how to get rid of

You can get rid of mold in a washing machine in several ways, depending on the degree of damage to the fungus.

  • Detergent for dishes. With the help of detergent, you can wash the visible traces of mold formation, but not to get rid of it completely. A mixture of detergent and citric acid has a more efficient effect. The resulting composition must be applied to the affected surface for 20 minutes, and then proceed to cleaning with a brush.
  • Lemon acid. Mold is affected by acids. To get rid of mold with citric acid, it is necessary to dissolve citric acid with any detergent and apply on the affected areas, for a day, then wash off and turn on the washing cycle. Also, you can fall asleep a few buckles of citric acid in the compartment for detergents or in the drum and run the washing cycle at high temperatures. This method will relieve not only from mold, but also from scale.
  • Soda. It is necessary to mix soda with a powder and add some water. I got the mixture to apply to the plots where the mold is visible, and leave for 30 minutes. Then, with the help of the brush, washed off. Also, you can pour soda pack in the powder compartment and pour 1 liter of vinegar, then run the washing cycle. This method is effective, but not harmless to the performance of technology.
  • Chlorine-containing means. It is necessary to apply a chlorine-containing agent on the fungi-struck area and leave for 30 minutes, then wipe the brush and washed away. To purify the washing machine from the mold from the inside, a chlorine-containing agent is needed to add to the powder compartment and run the washing at 60 degrees. When working with this means, take care of protecting against skin, eyes, etc.
  • Tools from mold. Using according to the instructions, in no case can be mixed with other substances.

Prevention of mold occurrence in a washing machine

As preventive measures, we carry out regular actions, namely:

  • several times a month we erase at the maximum temperature, so that the mold embryos died and did not multiply;
  • once a month, we launch the washing cycle at high temperature in idle, while in the powder compartment load citric acid or bleach;
  • when washing the white linen, add several glasses of vinegar or bleaching as a rinser;
  • once every six months, we launch the washing cycle at idle at the maximum temperature, while adding a mixture of 1 liter of vinegar and 1 lemon packing;
  • carefully wipe the rubber seal after each washing cycle;
  • carefully wipe the compartment for detergents;
  • we regularly rinse compartment for detergents, as well as clean the plum hose;
  • we regularly carry out the washing machine by opening it the door;
  • we carry out the room where the washing machine is located.

Upon detection of mold in the washing machine, use one of the methods of getting rid of it. If the selected method does not help, perform complex actions. Also, regularly carry out preventive measures of mold in the washing machine.

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