For those who hold the fish at home in the aquarium, this problem will seem familiar - water purles in the aquarium. If for experienced fish fans is a small nuisance with which they can cope fast enough, then for beginners, it sometimes becomes a serious problem that often causes panic. Let's figure it out today with what reason the water can curb in aquarium and how to deal with this trouble.
Causes of the appearance of muddy water
You shouldn't fall into panic, just focus and remember, since when the entrance began to more more and what you did on the eve of this incident. In order to solve the problem, first needed to be determined for which it happened, so let's understand this issue:
- water begins to curly if the aquarist has not released fish to the aquarium in time
- due to poor liquid filtration in the aquarium
- untimely "cleaning" aquarium or lack of care
- ignorance of water replacement rules in the aquarium
- excessive Fish in Aquarium
- rubbing risks
Let's consider each item in Read more:
- Untimely launch fish into aquarium. Sometimes an aquarist for incomprehensible reasons does not want to wait for the last time, which is necessary to establish equilibrium in the aquarium (biological equilibrium), and if it happens, then the next day, water in the aquarium becomes very muddy, sometimes such that the inhabitants of the aquarium is not visible . In this case, the reason in the disturbed nitrogen cycle. New Aquarium, New Wednesday, New Water in It. There should be time so that all processes are settled, and the early release of fish in the aquarium promptly multiplies bacteria, which become the cause of muddy water.
- Bad filtering. Someone may consider that buying a filter into aquarium is inappropriate. In fact, it is necessary to understand that it is the filter that is the source of admission to the aquarium of the necessary bacteria, so you need to have this fact in mind.
- Bad care for aquarium. It is this reason that becomes most often the cause of muddy water in the aquarium. In this case, it is not only about rare cleaning aquarium, but also overgrown with its cleaning. In this case, the Rule of the Golden Middle is valid - cleaning should be carried out regularly, regardless of the circumstances, and also do not care too carefully from the aquarium all the soil and other useful components of the aquarium flora. Remember, if you do not change the water. It is clear that it will be muddy, so its replacement is a mandatory component of a clean and well-groomed aquarium.
- The number of fish in the aquarium. Inexperienced aquarists believe that the aquarium is rubber and you can run any number of fish until it is placed in aquarium. In this case, the aquarium overpopulation occurs. Fauna Aquarium cannot cope with all the vital products of all its inhabitants, which becomes the cause of operational turbidity of the water in the vessel. If your aquarium is only 3 liters, then even 5 fish are a lot for this volume of the vessel.
- Correspondence. It is impossible to overflow fish, like any other living beings. First, the fish are not very smart creatures and some of them will have, until it is to end food, which ultimately can lead to a fatal outcome. The second point is, of course, muddy water, the whole feed is not eaten, and these are substances that are superfluous in the aquarium.
Methods to combat the problem
As usual, before you solve the problem, reveal the reason for its appearance and, depending on this, choose the way to combat it. If water is poisoned, you can solve this problem in the following ways:
- In the case of a stubble, you do not need to immediately change the water and clean the aquarium. Just stop feeding fish (the amount of time depends on the amount of feed in the aquarium).
- If you have not cleaned aquarium for a long time, you need to properly replace water and do not forget to accept the soil. These are minimal events that need to be done.
- If you start too much fish - you have to distribute some of them or select to another aquarium. Therefore, overpopulation in the aquarium leads not only to the appearance of muddy water, but also the death of some of its inhabitants.
- We purchase a filter if it was not. You will immediately notice how water will become transparent, and the fish will move more active. This purchase is not a recommendent, but in essence it is mandatory.
- Remember, excessive carbon dioxide supply, as well as excessive feeding of vegetation in the aquarium, also often becomes the cause of muddy water in the aquarium. If this is the reason, then it is worth stopping the supply of gas and feeding. You will immediately notice how water in the aquarium will be brightened and can even become completely transparent.
- If you tried the Ways the above methods, and went a whole week, and the result did not change, then nothing remains, how to wait and watch what is happening in the aquarium. If a significant amount of time passed, and the result is zero, it is necessary to analyze water to the level of acidity and rigidity.
All causes that can lead to clouding of water are given above, as well as methods for solving them. If you read carefully with all available information, you can easily get rid of the problem under consideration.