What should I do if bitten by a tick?

What should I do if bitten by a tick?

Ticks - disgusting insects, which their name cattons for many. This is not surprising, because of its activities on the body of a person or an animal, they can cause serious harm. Let's talk today about what to do in case you were bitten by a tick.

Protection measures

For those who do not know, tell - the ticks are not only on oaks and landings, they can cling to a person or an animal and on a well-kept lawn and on an abandoned field, so do not think that hats should wear only when You are traveling to the nature of the forest.

It is necessary to understand that pliers are such insects that actively begin to behave during the period of a set of temperature. It is in the spring period that the temperature sharply and rapidly begins to rise, they begin to act. The tick is a very weak insect, which for its active activity can take only one jump, and if he does not succeed, jump into someone and start its care of the parasite, then his life will end very soon.

So, I immediately want to say that in the spring after trips to nature and walks on landings, fields and meadows, it is necessary to examine yourself and our companions are very carefully so as not to miss the parasite.

In such places during this period, you should wear closed clothes and do not forget the heads of the heads and be extremely attentive and careful, because the vital activity of the tick can turn into a tragedy for the human body.

What to do when the tick bite?

Remember, if you find a mite on your body, it must be removed in urgent order, and the faster you succeed, the better for you. The optimal option in this case is the appeal for help in the nearest medical institution.

If you managed to remove the ticks in the hospital, then do not be lazy and send it to a special expertise, where it will be found out whether this insect is a carrier of any serious illness. In this case, the head of the task is not just pulling it out, and also to know how dangerous it was. Understand, the health, and even the life of a person can be saved on time.

It may happen that there will be no time for carrying a person to the hospital, or the medical institution will be in the zone of inaccessibility. Here there is nothing more to do, how to cope with the existing problem yourself, do it yourself.

The first thing that the person should know is - the tick is not immediately dumped into the skin, he must first adapt in place, and only after that begin to "atrocities". Just sit on the skin he can from half an hour until one and a half hours. If you were able to detect a tick into his inactive period, then you should just carefully remove it from the skin, and for confidence that he will no longer harm anyone - crush it with his foot (not bare, of course).

If the tick had time to shout to the body of a person, then the victim would have to get out, squeezing his fingers on the sides.

Tick \u200b\u200bremoval methods

Let's find out how can be removed from the body of a tick:

  • The first line in this "hit parade" is occupied by tweezers. It can be like a medical tweezers (but if you are in nature, you are unlikely to take it with you) and the usual female (who often women carry with them in their cosmetic bag). You take the tweezers and at the breakdown of the tick on the sides of the tank, and slowly, not in a hurry, unscrew the insect from the body.
  • If you did not have such a tweezers that you need at the moment, then your own fingers will be useful to you, as it is impossible. It is clear that the ticks are not as safe to the fingers, as a tweeze, but still, when it must be removed and quickly, it does not have to choose.
  • The third place in this ranking of tools to pull the tick is occupied by the usual thread. And if it turned out to be at your hand at the right moment - it's great. Remember that the thread should be tight and strong.

Tick \u200b\u200bremoval process

In order for the process of pulling out the tick is easier and simple, you need to know how to produce it correctly:

  • From the very beginning it is necessary to gently capture an insect or gauze or thread or tweezers. The capture should be made close to the trunk tick (for those who do not know, the mouth of the tick is his mouth, which he bites a person or animal). Thread is also tied close to the river apparatus so that the pull-out process is easier.
  • Now that the tick is clamped with the selected tool, it is carefully necessary to start turning his body until it "comes out" from the body with its legs.
  • After the tick be seized from the body, it is mandatory to handle the place of bite either by iodine or alcohol or peroxide (in this case any disinfectant that will be at your hand). Do not forget also after the procedure, wash your hands well, preferably with soap.

In the event that, after pulling out the tick, some dark spot remained at the site of the bite, it means that you got it not completely and some of it remained inside, under the skin (it may be a paw or insect head). In this case, immediately after the tick is pulled out, the place is needed to pour in iodine, and for a short period of time, the remnants should exit outwardly without assistance. If this did not happen within an hour, it is necessary to wipe the wound with alcohol and then after this needle the disinfected to pull out everything that remains from the tick.

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