The very harmful peach disease is the curlying of the leaves. It manifests itself in the spring when young leaves are just beginning to bloom. These are bubble blooms of light green, which then acquire an amber-red color. And in the arms that appeared with waxing ripen the arms of mushrooms.
Fighting disease
You can cope with illness with a complex approach. Pruning and removal of shoots, which are already infected with the most efficient means. Then they need to be assembled and burned outside the site. These actions need to be done in May when the disease can be seen on the leaves. Experienced gardeners remove the leaves in several approaches. The first time during the growing season after the plant dropped away, then repeat the procedure, to eliminate the scattering of fungal dispute.
Processing drugs
Spraying is the most effective method of getting rid of peach from the disease. The choice of the drug depends on the tree infection period. Planries, Triphodermin, Pentafag is used after flowering. Also suitable Copper, fungicides with lime milk, copper vitriol, urea before the kidneys dismissed. In the fall after the leaves are reset, the soil is required. In addition, you need to collect all the leaves and burn.
Bordeaux mixture
Today, gardeners are struggling with the disease with the Bordeaux mixture. But it has a drawback - this is phytotoxicity, but in the fight against curlyness is very effective. Using this treatment method, it is necessary to understand that the process of the fruction of the tree will be detained, and the amount of fruits will be low. This mixture increases the copper content in peach leaves. As the escape increases, the amount of this heavy metal will also grow. But besides negative qualities, the Bordeaux mixture also gives advantage. So, the effect of the means justifies its feasibility in the disease of the tree for a long time.
Clay to fight curly
In the treatment of the disease traditionally use clay, because this component is checked for years. Clay with lime is an excellent adhesive. In addition, clay plays the role of adsorbent and satures peach aluminum, gray, silicon, gray. These components help get rid of curlyness. Clay and lime favorably affects the characteristics of the tree. Thanks to the phytocidal properties, peach recovers. It can be used pure clay, but a clay-lime solution with the desired concentration is more effective.
The rest of the drugs
In the absence of the effect of the treatment of the clay-limestone and the Bordeaux mixture, you can try more modern drugs - this is Chorus, Delan, soon. They are used in April along the cone of the tree, as well as in May on buds after their flowering. Treatment with drugs is carried out separately and in order. The speed is used as a means for prevention for a period of 10 days, while the treatment is half. This is a safe tool for the environment that does not distinguish toxins. Preparation of the solution: 1 ampoule on 10 liters of water. This quantity is enough for 1 weaving peaches. According to experienced specialists, these funds allow you to cope with a disease by 98%. If you do not want to use strong poisons, you can try the biological preparation - Mikosan. It is necessary to spray three times for the season, for the first time after the dissolution of the foliage, but before flowering. Also, the excellent effect gives such funds as a profit, dwarf, which contain curls in the composition of mankread
Trees processing rules
Proper care assumes such recommendations:
- Pruning patients with leaves and escape fall. At the same time, the whole garbage will be out of the garden.
- Spray in windless weather. There will be rain in the first 2 days, then it will wash the solution.
- All work is carried out in the morning before the incidence of dew.
- You need to spray in hard-to-reach places of wood.
- Apply alternately fungicidal and insecticidal preparations.
- You can check the reaction of the drug on one twig, after that you can proceed to the processing of the entire tree.
Peach curls can be seen in the spring when the daily temperature differences occur. It is urgent to take action, namely to break the affected leaves and burn them. Then during the formation of fruits no curls on the leaves should not be. If you do not start treating on time, then the launched state can lead to a disease of the shoots, and after and maritime. In this case, the fruits will begin to harden and lose taste. If the disease does not pass, then you can lose not only the harvest, and the tree.