
Summary "Enchanted Wanderer"

The work of Nicholas Leskov "Enchanted Wanderer" Amazing and Unique. The story talks about how deep the Russian man can be, as a lot of kindness and sacrifice in him. But all these good qualities are manifested on the way of sometimes terrible flour and heavy tests that do not break, but order a person. In this and the essence of real Russian people, true heroes, who still wears Russian land. And we can meet these warriors with a wide and good soul in the most unexpected places.

A brief retelling of the plot of the story "Enchanted Wanderer"

Being traveling in Ladoga, the author met an amazing person, according to appearance - the most real epic hertie, on the cloud of a monk. There was nothing to do in the way, so the conversation and travelers had a vividly interested, as his, such a prominent man, was lit up to become a monk. And the man began the story of his long and complete difficulties and adventures of life.

The main character

It turned out that his name is Ivan Northanych Flegin, he comes from the Oryol province, from simple fortress. His mother died by childbirth, because the baby had a big head. Ivan so all childhood and called - naked. And the father served at the stable, so Ivan got an excellent science for the care of horses. However, his biggest misfortune was that he could not die.

No matter how hard I tried and whatever the grill. And the reason for this was also the case from childhood. Once he, he managed the six and intentionally, for the sake of fun, sitting, resembling, to the death of a monk passing by the monk.

History of Ivan Flyagin

After some time, the monk came to Ivan in a dream and said that he was promised to the mother of God and announced that Ivan would die a unthinkable number of times, but he would never be able to die until the moment would come to the real death, and he would not remember It is a matter promise, and will not serve in the monks.

And indeed, from now on, in whatever fatal hazards and grows did not get a hero, always remained alive. Once the horses suffered, and Ivan, being another child, was rebelled by horses in the ravine. He had to die, but separated only with light bruises.

Then somehow Ivan came to mind the thought of a crazy ending with me, the reason for this was that the guy got into disfavor to Barina and he was transferred from the stables to another matter, the tired and exhausted Vanya did not see another exit to get rid of the wrong work, but Nearby was Gypsy, who did not allow him to do this.

Gypsy calls him with him, and he decides to escape, while he drives two best horses from the Barski stable. However, Gypsy was not such a good man, what appeared to the flask at first. He sold his horses, and Ivan got only crumbs from the sale. Then he decided that they were not on the way with Gypsy and went his way.

So fate brought him to the city of Nikolaev. There was no special work here, and Ivan had to go to the nanniki. Barin is his owner, brought up a daughter one and he just needed help. Barina's wife was in time thickened and left for another, since he had not allowed her to see her daughter. And Ivan penetrated and allowed. Barin found out about it and he had to run.

After this incident, Ivan was in Penza. Here he came to the horse, whom Tatar offered, and killed the latter, for which he was captive. From this captivity, he was twisted to another, where they turned well with him, pressed his wives who brought the ranks, but the children were not the heart of Flent, he dreamed of returning home.

Is there any life after captivity?

Ten years stayed Flybin in captivity, and only after so long time he managed to improve the moment and escape. At first he was in Astrakhan, and then moved to his homeland. Here it is satisfied to serve the prince, who suffers from the filings, and at this time I give Ivan all the cash available to not to flush. So somehow Ivan went to the local tavern of tea to drink, and saw the gypsy a pear - an amazing singer, from whom the beauty was distraught and fell in love with her ears. Yes, I lost my head so that I spent all the princely money on it.

The prince was not angry at Ivan, since he understood him perfectly, at one time he was also in love with this gypsy. But by the will of fate and the situation was forced to take an even one to his wife. And the pear continued to love the prince, the jealousy did not give her to live calmly, but she could not do anything. She is so tormented that he was decided to die. However, the sin of suicide is not on her shoulder and she asks Flagine to kill her. He despite the great love of a pear, it is decided to take on a mortal sin and drops it from a steep cliff.

End of vital grades

After the death, he is forced to hide, Ivan changes the name and goes to the soldiers. There he spends about 15 years, here his life is at risk constantly, but only once he almost dies. And immediately remembers the words of the monk about the very case when death is close and when Ivan remember that the mother was promised to God. However, he still serves as a time in St. Petersburg, and only after the end of the service, it is driving in Chernitsa.

The monks brothers are convinced that the demon sits in Ivan, but attempts to expel him did not led to anything, so he was sent to pilgrimage to holy places in the atonement of sins. Here and met travelers who told his sad story.

The main character is the usual Russian man who has proven that he can spiritually grow and improve, he proves his presence that there are still warriors in the Russian lands, and they can not only fight, but also sacrifice themselves for others.

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