Why did Gerasim drowned Muma?

Why did Gerasim drowned Muma?

The story "Mumu" is one of the most tragic in Russian literature. And everyone who read it at least once, causing the question of why Gerasim drowned a dog. After all, in essence, for him, a dumb serf, who could not share anything with others, the dog was the only friend who understands him without words. Perhaps you will be able to find the answer to this question.

What is the story of "Mumu"?

Gerasim is the main hero of the story. He all his life, from the youngest years, served at Baryni. He did not have a special choice, since the system of the serf peasantry was a kind of slavery. The peasants belonged to their owner on real estate rights. They could buy, sell, exchange, as a thing.

Gerasim performed the duties of the janitor. He was charged to follow the purity of the estate and perform small orders. Once he saved a puppy sinking in the river, and took him to himself. The man was very attached to the dog, she was affectionate, now he could take care of someone. She answered him complete reciprocity, a warm relationship was established between the dog and the janitor. He called Her Mum, as it was the only sounds available to the deaf and sound. The dog understood his owner without words and became a real friend.

But the lady did not like that the polarion was constantly prevented under his feet, barks and creates an extra bustle. She ordered Gerasim to drown a pet. And he fulfilled the order. However, after that, he could not stay in the estate, as she worried about the real tragedy of losses, and returned to his native village.

Why did Gerasim drowned the dog?

  • The main character of the story simply had no choice. He belonged to Baryn and had to fulfill her orders unquestioned. Otherwise, he risked to be cruelly punished. And since the serfs were considered as property, the hostess could do everything with Gerasim, without any consequences for himself. Of course, Gerasima's deed can be called unwell, because he eventually left the Baryni, but at that time this yield seemed to him the only one.
  • The hostess already deprived of his home home, taking out of the village, which Gerasim loved very much. She did not want to reckon with feelings and desires of serfs.

  • Gerasim also knew that the lady was capable of everything, and nothing could stop her. After all, he already encountered her cruelty. He loved the girl Tatiana. But a lady, seeing this love, could not refuse himself in pleasure and destroy it. Tatiana was married for a local drunken, cutting off Gerasima's way fortunately.
  • Gerasim was raised in the spirit of full obedience to the owners and, probably, it played a decisive role in his decision to drown a mum. He simply did not imagine how it was to disobey the hostess.
  • He also probably feared that if he did not destroy the dog, it would make a lady. And her way could be less humane than the one who chose the janitor. In fact, Gerasim understood that the hostess would not leave him alone if he did not fulfill her order. In the course of the story, it begins to seem that she set itself the goal - to destroy the life of a man and not let him be happy at least in trifles.

As a result, Gerasim still realized that the dependence on the lady was unacceptable for him and he could no longer be dependent on it. The janitor understood that if he remains in the estate, then everything that or to whom he would at least give a little, will be without regretfully destroyed ladies. It is a pity that this awareness came to him after the dog was not saved. But it is the fact that he had to drown her, made a man free. He could not take with me to the village, but to leave in the estate meant that it would still be destroyed. Dog drowning symbolizes getting rid of the shackles and freedom.

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