How to translate plastic windows in winter mode

How to translate plastic windows in winter mode

It often happens that even when buying durable and expensive items, buyers do not know all their capabilities. One of the brightest examples is plastic windows and tuning the climatic mode. To date, plastic glass windows have been installed in every third house, but the units of owners know about this feature of the fittings. And, unfortunately, not everything is so rosy with this function. To begin with, it is worth determining what exactly it does.

How to translate plastic windows in winter mode - types of window modes

  • This option directly affects the degree of pressed frame to the window sash. In winter mode, pressed density is highest and necessary to preserve heat in the house. In the summer, respectively, on the contrary, it is created like an effect of light ventilation. The average mode is the most optimal with a stable climate.
  • Actually, the need for changing modes can be manifested by different: strong drafts from window frames in winter or blowing dust in summer. These are some of the problems that plastic windows must protect. Swimming or difficulty with transition to ventilation mode from open / closed. When wearing loops, the window sash can start saving, so the transition to the winter mode will correct the situation.
  • Unfortunately, not all accessories possesses such a function. And if the last 5 years is considered the norm, then in older versions of windows, not even a budget segment, most likely, it was absent. In such famous firms as Aubi, GU, Maco, good fittings are part of the corporate quality.
  • But even if the buyer did not report on the presence of this regime when buying, it is not difficult to personally determine the belonging of this function to the windows. You just need to open the window and look at the sash. There to discover Tsazf Eccentric. This is an element that makes pressed. It is worth looking for its surface holes for tools. This is a slot for a flat pumping, or hexagon or stars. Also, the pin may have an elongated form or an oval. The presence of eccentric such a modification will confirm the possibility of changing seasonal modes.

How to translate plastic windows to winter mode - mode definition

  • The easiest way to determine the current mode is to consider on the pin the pointer in the form of a focus or arrings, points. If the direction of this marker is indicated in the side of the apartment, then the windows in the summer mode. If in the side of the street - winter, intermediate location is averaged option.
  • For oval or elongated eccentrics, the rule is slightly different. Vertical accommodation, weak pressed, that is, the summer version. Horizontal - Winter Mode and Strong Pressing. Due to the absence of markers on the pinges, you can conduct an experiment using a paper sheet. Clamp it between the frame and the closing flap and, with the window closed, try to pull out. If it is pretty easy to leave, then standing summer variation. If it breaks when stretching - winter. This test should be carried out only with good and balanced frames.

How to translate plastic windows in winter mode

The owner for the transition between seasonal modes does not need any additional materials. But if there are any doubts about the serviceability of the fittings, you must first contact the firm to the installer and request the masters. The same transition will take no more than 30 minutes. It is performed in the following sequence:

  • find all the eccentrics on the frame. Their quantity will vary from window size;
  • clean them from dust, rub a cloth or go with a brush. It is also desirable to lubricate before and after switching the mode;
  • by defining the labels or position, change them to the necessary tools you need. But do not forget that they are all and should always be in one embodiment;
  • carry out the test with a sheet of paper, to finally confirm the result of action.

In some cases, the trunks are flooded, they should be raised, change the mode and drown again. Only the windows set for the first couple of years to translate into different seasons is not recommended. Now it is worth talking about the shortcomings. Permanent finding windows in winter regimen directly affects the quality of the work of the seal due to the effect of temperature, as well as atmospheric humidity. According to many manufacturers, constant finding fittings in summer mode extends its operation as much as possible. But nothing prevents the owner in the frost months to make your life more convenient, moving the windows in the winter mode. The main thing is not to forget everything to change in the spring.

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