How to pull the plastic windows

How to pull the plastic windows

The windows of plastic need periodic maintenance, and over time even in repair. If the sash is breaking or arose with a slit in seals, there is no need to immediately call specialists. First you need to figure out the source of the problem and try to eliminate the malfunction on your own. Modern designs of PVC windows make it possible to do this.

To pull the plastic window, you will need only one tool - the key hexagon. In the process of using shut-off fittings, adjustment is required, it is usually becoming clear in such cases:

  • Currently appeared or the sash engages for internal locks or other elements;
  • Rubber seal skips cold air into the room.

If you have to closing it, it means that the lower angle has dropped it. Returning the sash to the correct position is performed by the upper loop lift. We take the hexagon, we find the end screw and turn one turn clockwise. We check the course of the sash, if this turned out to be not enough - twisted a little more.

3 Performing the previous point does not always help. So, the sash must be lifted entirely along the hinge axis. The lining with the bottom loop is removed, and with a hexagon, turn the screw clockwise.

When the swivel flap clings to the side, you need to move it horizontally in the direction of the loop. In the bottom of the loops there are holes through which, without removing the plastic caps, adjustment is performed. If the blows are at the bottom - grind in the bottom loop and, accordingly, for the top.

The looseness of the seals is corrected by adjusting the clamp. It depends on the manufacturer of the fittings. On the mechanisms from Roto on the sash there are turnkey eccentrics, there are a label on them: what it is closer to the seal, the sash is stronger. But with the onset of heat, it is better to turn the eccentric back to the "summer" mode, so the service life of the sealers will last.

It turns out that without possessing special knowledge, but simply reading the tips, you can tighten the window of plastic with your own hands. To secure the studied look at the video.

Comments leave a comment
Nastya 06/22/2015 at 8:55.

We ordered Labrador windows. If necessary, you can call their masters. Why go to the mechanism?


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