How to write a compressed statement

How to write a compressed statement

The task of compressed presentation is a very short transmission of basic and essential information in the text. Unchanged should remain: the main idea, the sequence of events, the characters, the author's thoughts and the situation. A compressed presentation is a generalization of the source text and the retelling of the main events, the provisions of the original text.

How to write a compressed statement - the first listening of text

Before the first listening, it is necessary to prepare a draft and handle. During the first listening of the text, it is necessary to determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, its topic, writing style, and all microthelers in the text (themes of paragraphs). Also during the first audition of the text:

  • record on draft important information. Reduce words, use the notation, for example, the word "time" can be denoted and replaced with "T", as in formulas in physics;
  • usually there will be a small pause between the text paragraphs. Check it in Chernivik. You can define the themes of each paragraph, which will continue to be the plan for presentation;
  • do not hurry to write absolutely everything. The main thing is to hear and catch the basic information. Each paragraph, the topic or event can be written as a phrase or a small offer. Between the names of the microthele on the draft, leave the place to add details and keywords during the second listening;
  • dedicated microthelers during listening will become a plan for presentation. This is one of the main tasks of the first listening - to create a summary plan;
  • during the break between the auditions, add the information to the draft information that you remember to each paragraph that you have allocated.

How to write a compressed presentation - the second audition

During the second listening, you must check the previously recorded information. Finish missed and add details to microtomes (paragraph themes) that you have allocated during the first audition. Check and adjust the presentation plan. The plan of compressed presentation is the themes of all paragraphs. Remember that several paragraphs can describe one topic.

How to write a compressed statement - writing

To write a good compressed presentation, you must use the following techniques:

  • acceptance of exclusion: allocating basic information and the definition of secondary parts that can be excluded when writing presentation (synonyms, introductory structures, homogeneous members, proposals);
  • reception of generalization: It is necessary to determine individual facts, events, ideas, etc. And transfer them in other words in a shorter form. For example: in the village we ate strawberries, raspberry, cherry - we ate fruit in the village;
  • reception of facilitation: Association of several proposals in one, replacing several proposals to one, the use of synonymous expressions;
  • you need to replace the indirect speech.

When evaluating a summary, the following is taken into account:

  • used text reduction techniques;
  • skills allocation of all text microtheses;
  • saving and consistent transmission of basic information in the text.

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