How to Vkontakte See hidden friends

How to Vkontakte See hidden friends

In the social network VKontakte, a special feature "Hidden Friends" is available. She came to replace the full privacy of your leaf of friends so that you can hide only some of the visitors to your page. Hiding users, you remove them from the "My Friends" and "My Subscriptions" section, the ability to see them remains only with you, while other users will not be able to see the connection between you. If you want to see who from friends hide your friends, relatives or colleagues, then make it possible with the help of online services for the site VKontakte. In this article you will learn how to use these services and disclose hidden friends. In addition, you will learn how to see friends you hid yourself in case you have forgotten about them.

How to Vkontakte See Hidden Friends from another user

On the Internet there are many sites that promise to reveal to you hidden friends of any user, what you only wish, however, not all of them have sufficient accuracy. This article will contain two services that can show you such information most reliably. Remember that neither they nor any other site can guarantee 100% coincidence, because the developers of the social network VKontakte created all the conditions for watching hidden friends was impossible.

Website to view hidden friends first

  • To begin with, go to the user page, whose friends you want to see.
    Copy the link to its page: it is in the search bar of the browser and consists of either digits or from a unique name.

  • Go to the site Insert the link to the user page and click Scan.
  • The procedure will take a few seconds, do not close the browser window at this time.

  • You will see a small ribbon of changes on the page of this user, however, there will be no information about hidden friends.
  • Click on the link "Search hidden friends" to see more.

  • Click on the link with the same name.

  • You will need to access your VKontakte page to get reliable information. Click "Allow" and wait for changes on the page.

  • On this example, the service did not find hidden friends and the user. Take such data either try to check the information on another site search for hidden friends.

Website to view hidden friends second

  • If you did not give the result, then it is better to check it on some other portal. For example, you can take a website Follow the link and reinsert the link to the user page.

  • You will be available a short summary of the user's personal information, which is based on its profile. Lower the page below to see hidden friends.

  • Under the heading "Hidden Friends of the User" you will see the entire list that you managed to detect the site.
  • Depending on some criteria, hidden friends can find the first or second resource. For more accurate data, try to check the link on both sites.

How to Vkontakte see your hidden friends

  • If you have added friends to a certain hidden list, they will not be displayed for other users - you will only see them. To check out this list, find your avatar in the upper right corner on Vkontakte website.

  • Click on the triangle next to it - a small drop-down menu opens. In it you need the item "Settings".

  • You will find yourself on the page of all settings of your VKontakte page, which are available for change.
    Next, go to the "Privacy" tab.

  • Lay the line "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions." If it is set to "all except", you have created a list of hidden friends, and those users who are recorded in it are not displayed for outsiders.
    Click on this string to change this list or delete it.

  • In addition, you can configure the list display for different groups of users or close it at all.
    Lower the page to the bottom, you will see the string "see how you see my page other users." By turning on this link, you will see your page on the social network on the person of another user. Pay attention to how your friends are displayed.

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