How to keep a diary

How to keep a diary

Diary - an integral part of the life of many schoolchildren, students, businessmen, and indeed, people of any age and profession. To properly conduct a diary, you need to specifically know for what purposes we use it. The instruction below will help to figure it out.

How to keep a diary - types of diaries and the purpose of their conduct

There are several types of diary for different people and goals:

  • School diary (goal - recording events of everyday life without any particular purpose).
  • Business diary (goal - recording upcoming affairs).
  • Target diary (goal - recording goals for a short or long term, their analysis).

How to keep a diary - school diary

Many of the children in school years lead a diary. For this, there are practically no rules, write what you want. Despite this, the diary will take a more structural and pleasant look, if you record only the most memorable impressions, important events. Before each note, it is desirable to specify the date of what happened.

How to keep a business diary

A business diary is mainly intended for businessmen, managers, marketers and people of similar professions. Business diary has a lot of subtleties. The most rational way of maintaining a diary is Time Management. Time Management - the ability to distribute your time as efficiently as possible and rationally. Before you start doing a business diary, you need to configure yourself to a strict mode of the day.

Basic principles of time management:

Decide with the time that will be given to work, for example from 10:00 am at 20:00 pm.

Spread all the planned cases in terms of importance and urgency. There are 4 types of cases:

  • Important and urgent.
  • Important, but not urgent.
  • Not important, but urgent.
  • Not important and not urgent.

Accordingly, important and urgent cases are performed primarily, as they are the most priorities. After fulfilling all the scheduled for the day of important and urgent cases, proceed to the fulfillment of not important, but urgent (such as the consultation of the employee's subordinate to you and other routine cases requiring attention). Then - important, but not urgent, and only later, if there is time, pay it not important and not urgent matters. For greater definiteness, the day before going to work, sacrifice half an hour to draw up a diary precisely on the principle of time management.
If some things remained unfulfilled, start the next day from their implementation so that there are no tails and gaps.

How to conduct a target diary

The maintenance of the target diary is quite an interesting process. All goals recorded in the diary must comply with the so-called SMART principle (Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic, Time-based). This means that the goals should be specific (concise, shortly and clearly indicate the essence of the goal), measurable (specific figures or indicators should be made), achievable (purposes must be realistic), meaningful (realistic, not Banal), limited in time (specific targets should be specified).

An example of a good SMART target:

Achieve 20% sales growth by April 1, 2018.

This is an example of the main goal, which also need to be divided into several small goals that are necessary for its execution:

  • Create a competitive market analysis by June 30, 2017.
  • Find minimum 3 suppliers by August 1, 2017.
  • Start advertising on the social network Facebook by August 20, 2017.
  • Etc.

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