How to make a numbering in exile?

How to make a numbering in exile?

The most common reason for using such an office as Excel is the need to systematize certain data in the tables. And here without numbering can not do. Entering the numbering also facilitates the search and sorting of data in accordance with different requests. How quickly and just organize the numbering in the Excel document?

Formation of numbering in Excel - the introduction of the first "participants" of the numerical sequence

Manual filling of cells involves the following sequence of actions:

  • Fill out the first (starting) value of the future numeric sequence.
  • Next, specify the second value by forming T. O. Template of the future numerical series (for example, 1, 2, 3, ... or 2, 4, 6, ... or 1, 3, 5, ..., etc.).
  • Climbing the left mouse key, highlight the filled cells.
  • Stretch the marker of filling with the mouse by forming a numbered string or column of the required value. In this case, if it is necessary to obtain a decreasing sequence, it is enough to specify the first 2 values \u200b\u200bdescending (for example, 2, 1, ...) and stretch the column up.

To obtain a traditional serial numbering, you can use the "Ctrl" key.

  • Specify the first numeric sequence value.
  • Press the "Ctrl" key and, without releasing the "Ctrl", stretch the macro.
  • Numbering is ready.

This method allows you to lead both vertical and horizontal numbering, filling both strings and the EXCEL table columns.

Formation of numbering in Excel - use of the "Progression" option

This method is especially relevant when the numbering of cells is made taking into account a certain pattern.

  • Specify the first sequence value.
  • Go to the menu bar. On the main tab, find the "Editing" block.
  • Click on the drop-down list next to the icon with an image of the down arrow.
  • Among the lines of the drop-down list, choose the item "Progression".
  • The table appears in which the fill parameters are specified - the numbering direction (string or column), the fill method (arithmetic or geometric progression), step and limit value of the sequence.
  • Press the "OK" key and evaluate the ready-made result.

Specifying to Excel - Using the "String" function

  • You select the start cell and make a formula to the function string to calculate the future numbering data: "\u003d Row (A1)", if the A1 cell is selected as the start of the reference.

  • Click "ENTER".
  • Stretch the cell taking into account the desired range.

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