How to remove your copy of Windows 7 is not genuine 7601

How to remove your copy of Windows 7 is not genuine 7601

When installing the pirated version of Windows often it often happens that the desktop picture disappears, and the black screen appears instead of it with the inscription: "Your copy of Windows 7 is not genuine." It turns out this due to the fact that when downloading the system updates, the program for authentication is automatically loaded. More it does not carry any functions, so you can safely remove it and change the background to a more familiar and without irritating inscription.

First you need to disable the automatic update so that the program for authentication is not yet anew. To do this, go to the Control Panel - System and Security - Enable and disable automatic Windows Update. In the drop-down list, select "Search for updates, but the decision to download and install is accepted by me."

Next you need to delete the update KB971033. In the same section of the Windows Update Center, click on "installed updates".

We are looking for the list and delete.

If you failed to find the KB971033 update, you will have to be deleted using the command line. Press Win + R and in the start row we write CMD.

On the command line, we write: WUSA.EXE / UNINSTALL / KB: 971033. After that, reboot your computer and put a beautiful picture on the desktop background.

If you do not want to delete the service that is responsible for authentication, then on the Internet you can find a key or crack for the OS. After their use, Windows is registered as a genuine system and the problem with the message and the black screen will disappear.

Comments leave a comment
Nancy 04/28/2018 at 14:17

After entering the Windows serial number, the inscription remained that Windows is not genuine.
What to do?

Igor 10/10/2018 at 15:03

After uninstall / also space !!!!!!!!!!

alexei 02/12/2018 at 13:28

good day I can not remove the inscription that Windows is not genuine. 7601 What to do


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