How to remove Windows 10 password

How to remove Windows 10 password

For most Windows users, security is an extremely important aspect on which it really makes sense to pay attention. On mobile platforms for a long time there are a security tools that differ not only by the high level of personal data protection, but also have some other advantages, for example, this is convenience. It is about such blocking options or information protection, in which the user applies the minimum effort. On Windows 10, a password is often used as a means of protection, with the help of which, of course, it is possible to ensure an acceptable level of security.

Many users who are just starting to use the Windows 10 system wish to get rid of protection using a password, the form of which is constantly appearing when you turn on, reboot and sleep a personal computer. There are several effective ways with which you can easily remove the password.

Through the setup of the operating system accounts. It must be said that in Windows 10, developers have significantly simplified the system of working with system security. Thus, it is possible to disable the password with an extremely simple way through the settings of "Accounts". To begin, it is necessary to use the "Win + R" key combination, after which the command line will open to which NetPlwiz or Control UserPasswords2 will be written. These two commands are responsible for activating account settings. In these settings, you can detect the "Require user name and password" item. If you remove a checkbox from this point, then when you turn on and restart the PC, the system will not request a password. You can also choose specific users of the system for which you will not need to enter any passwords. After that, we apply the changes, the system will request the password input, after which our requirement will be executed. There are some restrictions on this issue. For example, if the computer is connected to a network with a domain, then disable the password at the entrance will not be possible.

Editing the Windows 10 registry. As you know, when editing the registry, you can change a lot in the operating system, but it is necessary to do everything carefully, since even unintentional errors can lead to OS inherently. Also, a significant lack of editing the password data in the registry is the fact that now the password will be stored in open access, respectively, almost anyone can get access to it. As in the past paragraph, you must use the "Win + R" key combination, after which you enter into the "REGEDIT" string. Now you need to go to the next registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ WinLogon. In order to automatically enter the system, you need to do several steps. To begin with, the value AUTOADMINLOGON. need to be changed (double click on the name) on 1. meaning DefaultDomainName. Changes to the name of the local account, or in the name of the domain. With value DefaultDomainName. You can change the account name, and DefaultPassword. Let me change the password. Immediately after these events, you can safely apply all changes and restart the computer. After that, when entering the OS under a specific user, the changes will take effect.

Turning off the password when exiting sleep mode. Users that use the password on the PC, know perfectly well that even when leaving the sleep mode, it is necessary to file a security system again. Fortunately, in the system settings there are settings, with which you can easily get rid of the password input. You must go to "all parameters" and go to the "Accounts" section, after which you should enter the settings of the entry parameters. In these settings, you can find the "Login" item. You must select the "Never" option. After applying the changes, the system will not request a password when exiting sleep mode. There is also another option to disable the password request when you exit sleep mode. To implement it, you need to go to the "Power Supplies" section, which is in the "Control Panel" section. Next, go to "Setting the power scheme" where you can change the additional parameters associated with power supply and safety.

It is worth noting that the security of the user's personal data is extremely important aspect, so it is not always reasonable to disconnect the password. It also makes sense to use the most recent developments to unlock access to PCs. For example, on computers that support the input of information through the touch screen, there are experimental entry options to the account, including graphic passwords.

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Andrey 05/13/2016 at 1:19

In fact, I'm ready for the transition to Windows 10 after the seven for a long time. But after the update, the permanent entry of the password when starting began to bother. And I found a way to reset it After that, the input of the password disappeared. There are several more ways described in this article, but this one seemed to me the simplest.

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