How to set a password to a computer

How to set a password to a computer

Computer holders often want to protect personal information from third-party access.

Most often, such a need arises when several people have access to the device. If you do not want your account to be used by anyone else, the easiest way to protect it is to install a password. For various versions of Windows, the algorithm will be somewhat different.

How to set a password to a computer: Windows XP

If you use old, but still popular Windows XP, the sequence of actions will be next.

  • Pass sequentially "Start" - "Control Panel" - "User Accounts".
  • Then select an account whose access you want to limit.
  • Click on it with the mouse (left key 1 time).
  • In the form you click the Password Create item.
  • A new form appears in which you need to enter a security cipher twice (2nd times - to confirm). In addition, in case you accidentally forget the code combination, you can specify the prompt to the answer. It is brought in the same window line below.
  • After clicking the "Create Password" key.
  • Ready.

How to set a password to a computer: Windows 7

This version of the OS is the most sought-after and popular. For its owners, the work algorithm will be.

  • Go to the "Start" menu.
  • To open the settings click on the Icon of Your Account.
  • A window will appear to make changes to the user account.
  • Stay at "Creating a password of your account".
  • In a new form, specify a protective cipher (2 times taking into account confirmation) and a reminder that will help you to restore access code in memory.
  • When everything is ready, click the "Create Password" button.
  • Now you can restart the device. After that, when you try to log in to your account, you will appear for entering the installed password.

If you want to move for a few minutes from the computer, but do not want that during this time someone used someone, press the combination of Win + L. The technique will be blocked, and the window will appear on the screen to enter a protective combination.

How to set a password to a computer: Windows 8

For users of this version of Windows, the non-standard OS interface becomes often obstacle.

  • Slide the mouse cursor to the top corner on the right.
  • A pop-up panel appears in which you select "Parameters".
  • Next, select the "Changing Computer Settings" section.
  • Among the PC parameters, stop at the "Users" paragraph.
  • Click the "Create Password" key.
  • In the form that appears, fill out 3 fields - protective code, confirmation of the cipher, the reconnaise prompt for the situation if you lose or forget the password.
  • Click the "Next" key.
  • A message appears on the successful installation of the protective cipher, which will need to be prescribed at each entrance to the account.
  • Click the "Finish" key.

If you want to change the password, use the "Users" tab ("Parameters" - "Changing Computer Settings"). After installing the protective code, the "Input Settings" string appears here. Going to this section, you can not only change the password ("Change password" item), but also install a graphic password or create a PIN code. If there is no longer needed in a protective cipher to access the system, you can delete it.

  • Kit Win + R.
  • In the form that appeared, write "NetPlwiz".
  • Click "OK".
  • Delete the "bird" from the "Require user name and password" item and click OK.

How to set a password to a computer: Windows 10

If you are the owner of technology with the Windows 10 installed system, you can also prevent entry into the system of unauthorized persons, securing the data using the password.

  • Go to the "Parameters" section. You can easily enter either through the "Start" menu or using the Win + I combination.
  • Find the "Accounts" block and go to it.
  • In the form that appears, select "Input Settings", and then click the Add key.
  • In the new window, fill the fields - protective code and its confirmation, as well as a reminder-tip.
  • Click the "Next" key, and after - "Finish".
  • Password is successfully installed.

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