How to put a password to Windows 7

How to put a password to Windows 7

The need to install a password to a home or work computer should not be underestimated. You can access your personal documents and files any, both from the real world and from the world network. Therefore, we will look at how to pass the computer running Windows 7.

How to put a password to Windows 7

To make the desired one, it is necessary to have advanced work skills with PC. Almost any user will be enough to have a general idea of \u200b\u200binteraction with the machine. It will also be necessary to come up with and remember the password, quite complicated for protection, but not too intricate (so as not to mess once with access recovery).

Immediately it is necessary to specify the most common errors when trying to protect personal information by password.

  • There should be any options for passwords with dates, names or books of pets, a significant dates, passport numbers, and similar data. The point is that the password can be impossible to choose a simple search for publicly available facts (even unfamiliar attacker can find out from social networks, forums, other public places).
  • It is best if the password contains a set of letters and numbers, more than 7 characters, in the ideal case - in the upper and lower register. They should be non-obvious to others, but rather symbolically significant for the owner of the PC, to easily remember the Passvord.
  • Also, you should not use passwords from other accounts (if there are difficulties with password memorization - come up with the rule by which they will be slightly different from each other). When a reliable code word is invented, go to the "technical" part of the process.

Installing a password on windows 7

To protect the password account on the "seven", we will do this sequence of tasks (unnecessary will remind you that you must have administrator rights to install the password):

  • we go to the "Start", after choosing the "Control Panel";
  • a new window will open, we are looking for and go to the "Accounts and Security" section, subsection " Adding and delete accounts“;
  • going to the subsection, you will see a list of all accounts that are on the computer;
  • select the desired user for which you install the pass code, in the window that appears we see a list of actions that can be produced with account;
  • the item we need is called "Creating a Password";
  • here, enter the invented password twice (this will avoid the error due to the wrong key) and the prompt, which will allow it to be remembered in an emergency case;
  • we click "Create", after rebooting we will see a window with a code of the code word that was specified.

If you run running another version of Windows, you can also set a password for an account following this manual. This action is stereotypical and changes little from one iteration OS to another. Are you experiencing a problem trying to "naughntazy" a reliable password? Not trouble, many PC owners are faced with a similar task. Take advantage of any online password generator that will help choose a complex combination of characters.

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