How to find out the password on the laptop

How to find out the password on the laptop

The easiest way to remember the forgotten password is to try to return it by using the hint, which is displayed near the input form in the welcome window. If there is no possibility to do this (or the hint is not installed), follow the effective tips below.

Password hacking programs

The easiest way to get a password from any "account", including the administrator, is an opportunity to apply third-party software. The best alternative here is a small free utility called OphCrack. Unlike other options, it has a completely graphical, understandable to any interface, supports installation on all popular OS, as well as booting from LiveCD if you cannot install software. Let's say frankly - the program does not always work, but simpler passwords consisting of digit combinations and letters guess in just a couple of minutes. Download OphCrack with a reliable source for any platform you can here.

Replacing passwords in Windows

To repeat this method, we need any installation disk or boot flash drive from Windows. After booting with them, we are looking for a "restore system" item in the lower left corner. Select the "Command Line" section from the pop-up menu, enter the Copy C command to the target window. What happened now? We copied the file that controls the sticking of the buttons in the system. Now introduce Copy C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ cmd.exe C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ SETHC.exe This will change the first file with the command line in places. After these cunning manipulations, restart the computer and run the system as usual. When the password input window appears, click Shift more than 5 times and get at your disposal command line on behalf of the administrator, which will reset any password. The Net User \\ command \\ \\ Passvord \\ (without auxiliary signs) set your new login and password. Now they can be used without restrictions. The main thing is to return the console to the place, changing the above files in places in the opposite direction.

Reset password from a secure mode

In the "young" versions of Windows, including XP, there is a chance to replace the password through "Safe Loading". To do this, press the F8 key when you download your PC \\ Laptop and find the "Safe Mode" menu. If the "account" has not been configured (by default it does not contain a password), you will have the opportunity to choose it and change the pass code. To do this, click the "Start" icon, we find the "Control Panel", in it section "Accounts". Click on the desired, click "change the password", enter a new, confirm the manipulation by the "Change" button. Restart the PC and enter with the help of a new code word. Here you can also use the Net User command by running the Console with the Win + R keys and entering CMD.

Another way to find out the password from the command line

Another command that will allow us to get the desired is Control UserPasswords. Drive it by opening the interpreter string in the way above and get a window with accounts. If you remove the mark from the "Require the name \\ password" item here and confirm the changes to the OK button, after the reboot it will be possible to enter the PC without unnecessary problems. The login \\ Password window does not have to be removed, simply change the code word.

In addition to the listed methods, in Windows 10 there is an opportunity to change the password online.

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