To recognize the boy in love is easy - he pulls girls for the pigtails, makes all sorts of dirty, and although it looks strange from the side, but this is what little boys behave in love. But how to recognize a man in love? After all, he will definitely won't run for a woman and pull her behind the tail. Let's try to figure out how to understand whether a man is in love with you.
How a loved man behaves - what is the difference between male love from female
Men in the warehouse of mind are radically different from women, and they fall in love in different ways. If a woman can be enough and a couple of days to fall in love and start to show sympathy openly, men can enter this feeling for a very long time. Psychologists assure that after the emergence of Love, a man can not talk about her beloved until 100 days. That is, he thinks over 100 days, everything weighed and trying to decide to take the first step.
How does a love man behave
Although men do not behave like small boys, but still have special signs that will give you to understand about the sympathy of a young man.
- A man often comes across your eyes. No, of course, if you work in the same office or live on the same ladder, it does not mean anything, but if, for example, you work in a big company, and he increasingly became allegedly chance to come across the eyes and tie a conversation, then it can talk about his feelings for you.
- A man agrees with you in everything. A man in love can agree with anything, even if he knows that you are wrong. So he subconsciously tries to arrange you. In addition, he tries to support, give advice, and in general behaves like a good friend, but know, for this friendship is sweeping more ...
- The man tries to touch you. Allegedly random touch can not be at all random. So he grips invisible barriers between you.
- Man by any ways trying to draw attention to himself. You turned away to chat with a friend, and the man immediately began to laugh or loudly kicked out? This suggests that he wishes full attention.
- In your presence, a man is always in a beautiful mood. His eyes are "burning," he is joking and laughs, friendly and sociable ... Probably, you are so positive about it. And without he changed sharply in his face, as it worries, suddenly in his absence you give attention to another man? And in general, without you sadly.
- A man makes surprises. Colleague presented you with your favorite chocolateer just like this sticker with a smile on your computer? This is a faithful sign of love. And, by the way, little boys do so often.
As a loved man behaves, informal signs
The language of the body and gestures can tell you about the secret feelings of a man, just watch carefully to miss anything.
- In the presence of a beloved woman, a man decreases the voice of the voice, this is due to physiological reasons due to the emission of a large amount of testosterone.
- A man in love can often touch his hair, stroke them, combing her hand. So he tries to calm down and take himself in hand.
- The man is right-handed to the left of you, Left -sha - on the contrary. Subconsciously, they sit so that it is more convenient to hug you (even if the hugs are not foreseen).
- A man can look at you closely, but dramatically take the glance when you raise your eyes. This is also a faithful sign of love.
- When talking with you, he shakes the non-existent dust from his clothes or the nearest objects, corrects the shirt or clock. He pretends that your conversation is relaxed and easy, but in fact he carefully chooses words and worries.
All of the above features are very extensive, as each man is individual, and everyone in love behaves differently. But, nevertheless, relying on this article, you can reveal your secret rehabiller, and perhaps the soul mate.