How to make Russian in the game?

How to make Russian in the game?

It doesn’t matter what game you play in, many of them are initially focused on a foreign market. Others often do not at all go out in Russian. Therefore, the problem of the language barrier often stands in front of the gamer quite acute. So is there, nevertheless, a way to launch your favorite entertainment with your native translation, even if such an option is not proposed in the game interface, or is it, nevertheless, a sentence?

Where exactly did you get a game distribution?

It is worth starting to decide where the game was downloaded or bought. The fact is that for various countries and regions, the price tag for the same software product can be very seriously different. Thus, some languages \u200b\u200bin regional versions can simply be blocked.

First of all, make sure that the Russian language in the version of the game you download is provided. Information about the availability of translation should be present for almost any self -respecting Internet resource, except if it was not initially oriented exclusively on one specific region.

Standard ways to change the language in the game

If the publisher provides a simple change of language in the game by the user, this is often done in one of the following ways:

Choosing a language in Launcher settings

All of the above publishers offer their software product to gamers from many countries and, often, the language is installed at the preliminary stage of the game launch. Just check the settings for the availability of the appropriate option. Most likely, there is a Russian language there, but by default there is more common English around the world.

Language change in game settings

It's still easier. This method is great not only for PCs, but also console and mobile games. After starting the game, the shift of the tongue should be checked in game settings (settings, options), where it is worth finding the language item (Language) and select the necessary from the list. Then do not forget to confirm your choice (OK, Apply). Now the game will always start with the settings indicated by you.

Using additional launch parameters in a game launcher or a label with a program

Additional launch parameters may vary depending on the publisher and the type of game engine. Additional parameters are set from the symbol “-”, after which, in fact, the parameter and its argument are indicated. For example, in the Origin launcher settings, you can change the language using the following text: -Language \u003d Russian.

The launch parameters in the settings of the game label are indicated in the column of the object. Just try to finish the language parameter according to the template specified above through the gap at the end after the main text. The following is an example of a change of language using launch parameters for Steam.

What to do if nothing helped?

If all the methods we have above did not help you, do not despair, because there is still hope. Many games have special configuration files with the game settings. The expansion of such files often ends with *.ini, and they themselves have talking names, for example: Codex, Settings, Client.config. Lying either in the folder with the game, or in the folder “My documents/name of the game”.

You can try to open them with a text editor and find the word Language among the parameters, where the attribute should be changed to Russian or RUS, by analogy of how this parameter is indicated by default. If there are files with a Russian translation inside, it will have to rebuild into Russian at the next launch.

An example of a configuration ini file is given below. The Language line after the sign “\u003d” indicates the current language, and how to properly write the attribute of the Russian language correctly, you can see the line below (highlighted with a green arrow).

As a rule, the installation of the Russian language is provided by the publisher at the stage of loading the game. Sometimes the change of language is blocked for regional reasons, because the versions of games for Russia and Europe can differ significantly in price. If there was no choice of language when downloading, it is worth checking the game options and launcher settings.

In any case, you should not despair, because, as you know, there is a hole on the old woman. Even if the game is not officially published in Russian, often on the Internet you can always find fan patches that add a translation to the game interface.

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