How to make a shelf for flowers

How to make a shelf for flowers

Almost every hostess for interior decoration has home plants in its arsenal. It happens that they are located everywhere - on the windowsill, cabinets and other furniture. Such workload threatens with the fact that not only the overall aesthetic picture in the home, but also furniture surfaces is spoiled. After all, when watering the droplets of water must come to them. Solve this problem will be able to fully fully for flowers, which are also easy to make with their own hands.

When creating flower stands, turn on all your fantasy, because this decorative element is designed not to just decorate your apartment, but also become a designer highlight of the entire dwelling. This design may be the most diverse shape and sizes, in addition, the stands are performed from different material. There are wooden, elegant glass or even aristocratic wrought-iron shelves for flowers.

All floral devices can be divided into three types:

  1. Shelf-ladder. It is usually attached to the window slopes or on the walls.
  2. Suspended structures. This type is more often made in the form of a basket or skidding, which are suspended at different heights with cords.
  3. Shelf shelf. This flower device often has many tiers and is located on the floor.

Shelf 2.

Today's ideas about flower stands are such that products must meet the following requirements: functionality, beauty and simplicity. An indisputable advantage over all structures has a shelf. Such a multi-tiered device takes a little space, but it can accommodate a large number of pots with flowers. In addition, the "green pets" will always be at hand, grow in equal conditions (one temperature mode and lighting). Therefore, we will focus on this flower shelf in more detail.

Shelf 8.

The design structure under consideration consists of an outdoor base to which four legs and a rack made of chromed tubes are attached. It is on the racks that will be placed blank shelves of various shapes.

For the manufacture of the shelf you will need:

  • 1 sheet of multilayer plywood (thickness 15 mm);
  • chrome pipes (JOKER systems);
  • flanges for racks;
  • 4 furniture legs;
  • bushings, self-tapping screws and bolts;
  • automal in splashes or other wood paint;
  • wood putty.

In addition, prepare:

  • truboresis or hacksaw for metal;
  • electrolovik;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers.

Shelf 5.

At the first stage of creating a stand, mark on the plywood contours of its lower and lateral parts. You can use the finished drawing, which is presented below, or plan it yourself.

Shelf 4.

Next, the main work on the creation of the shelves perform in such a sequence:

  1. Drink the labian details marked.
  2. Collect the sleeves and edges.
  3. On the bottom platform, mark and drill holes for furniture bolts.
  4. On the rest of the workpiece, mark the plans for fastening the flanges and installing the racks.
  5. Drill holes with a diameter of 25 mm under the tube.
  6. Align the surface of the shelves with a putty, and after complete drying, polish them.
  7. Color wooden parts selected or cover with varnish, and at will finish them with decorative edging.

Shelf 6.

The next step will be working with chromed tubes. Collect 5 racks:

  • 3 blanks with a length of 1200 mm each;
  • 1 tube - 900 mm;
  • 1 tube - 600 mm;

Cuts do with the help of pipe cut or hacksaw through the gland.

Shelf 7.

At the last stage, collect the design:

  • Attach all racks to the lower base.
  • Screw the bolts into the sleeve.
  • Put the flanges on the tubes and screw them to the platform with self-draws.
  • Identary way to secure all the tiers.
  • The gap between the shelves is about 30 cm.
  • Screw the furniture legs to the bottom item with screws.

You can make the same design on the wheels. In this case, the regiment is free moves from place to place.

Shelf 1.

It should be noted that making adaptations for flowers yourself, you will not only save the family budget, and create an exclusive masterpiece that you will not see from your neighbors.

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