How to cut foam

How to cut foam

When carrying out work related to the insulation of the house, the best material than the foam, you do not find. It is popular with what is inexpensive and is quite good insulator. But when you started work, there is a natural question, how to cut the foam and make the parts you need from it so that the cutting lines are smooth and had the configuration you need.

There are two types of foam: solid, or it is also called hard, and soft. It is easier for machining (cutting) a solid form of foam, so it is more popular. The soft species of foam will be crumbling, and they need to use a special mode. There are also no foam sheets of a single thickness, and it follows that cutting modes will be different and requiring an individual approach for each case.

Soft view can be cut to any sharp thin object, even a credit card. Put a ruler or a flat rack along the cut line and spend your cutting tool. Then shift the foam slab so that the cut coincided with the edge of the table, and pressing the part of the plate that on the table, slightly click on the savory. Polyfoam broke through the cut slicer.

You can use a serrated knife from the kitchen set to cut foam. To make more convenient to work, it should be rubbed with a wax or stearin candle. If you need that the foam remains clean, then apply a candle from white stearin. Polyfoam cut into uniform long movements so that the knife is immersed by all the blade.

To cut the thin sheets of foam plastic, the knife for cutting paper with a retractable blade is well suited. This knife can cut different parts and fragments. First make an incision not to the whole depth, and then uniform movements cut the item you need. Watch the blade of your knife to be constantly sharp, because if it is stupid, then a smooth incision will not work.

If you need a lot of cutting foam, then you can use a saw for convenience. Moreover, any with a solid or tension blade and small teeth (hacksaw, jigsik or loaf floor) is suitable. The flexible blade of the saw will not give to the line of the cut is smooth. Cutting the foam is necessary to all the blade, evenly pressed the hand on the saw.


When you need to cut big foam plates, it is convenient to use the electric jigsaw. Place the plate on the table so that the cut is in the edge of the table, and turning on the electrolovik, make a cut of the fragments you need. When working with the electrolovka, use safety glasses.

And the most convenient, in our opinion, the method is cutting the foam with the help of heated wire. First you need to make the device for cutting foam. Fix nichrome wire on ceramic insulators, and insulators - on the P-shaped curved pipe. You have to get a bitter saw with a nichrome wire instead of the blade. To nichrome wire from both ends, connect the flexible insulated wire so that it does not interfere, it can be fixed on the pipe with the help of a tape. Now this wire (make it long) Connect to a decrease in transformer 12 V. Include in the chain of the Rubber (alternating resistance) to adjust the heat of nichrome thread. To the pipe itself, set the button from the engine and turn it on to the chain. The button will give additional amenities in the work.

Serve a current to your unit, nichrome will heat up, and with the help of a row, make the color of the heating of the nichrome yarn was a dark. Such an unit you can cut the details of any configurations. Just lead the thread along the line of the cut. True, there will be a smalleriness, therefore it is necessary to work or on the street, or in a well-ventilated room. Try not to touch the thread turned on so as not to get a burn.

We listed all major methods of cutting foam, they are all good in their own way. Choose yourself that you are more suitable.

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