How to cut tiles

How to cut tiles

The need for cutting tiles occurs at the final laying stage, when it is required to fill the empty space, and the whole plate does not correspond to the declared size. When cutting each tile, measure the place for which it is intended. The tile is made of burnt clay and open with the icing, as a result, it is difficult to form uniform without the use of special tools.

Note the cut place. Do not forget to take into account the gap between the wall and tiles, as well as the size of the seams between the rows. Reduce the distance to the total summable measurement indicator. For example, if the distance between the laid cafeter and the wall is 100 mm, the seams are 2 mm and the gap between the wall and tile 3 mm, therefore: 100 - 2 - 3 \u003d 95 mm. We make markup on the basis of the indicator.

Next, you need to make a cutter. In the outlined points, make an incision to the cutter - in the direction from the opposite side to yourself. Middle pressed once swipe on the scheduled line. As a result, an invisible strip of the outbreak is formed, which cut the strengthening layer of the glazed surface.

Take tongs-slabcores, place along the cut line. Accordingly, the working part is perpendicular to the cut. Honor of the sponge with a support should be restarted into the tile surface, and the straight part of the forceps needs to be captured from the bottom. The fracture line should be exactly the center of the supporting sponge. Now smooth, but the decisive movement is squeezing the handle, until the tile is completely fallen. Watch that the broken part does not fall and did not crash - that is, carry out such work at the minimum distance from the surface.

If you have a manual stoveture, then efforts are minimized. It is enough to outline the necessary direct line, mark the tile onto the operating surface of the plotted and with the help of light pressure towards it to divide the tile in half.

If the tile is very durable, then you can use the following way. Make a cutter on the front side of the cutter line, do an incision. After a similar line, perform on the involving side and rub the base of deep into several millimeters. After the place of fault is too weakly, it is worth the small thing - bother the desired area. Such manipulations can be carried out with minimally narrow strips of 1-2 cm.

The cutout of the radius line in the cafela is made in the following way. After preliminary marking, neatly, slowly, pliers or lippers remove the tile to the outlined curly line. After passing out the cut by sandpaper or stone to achieve the perfectly smooth edge.

Performing above the presented process for the first time, buy for several tiles more. From the first time to cut perfectly exactly on the outlined lines is not at all. However, having done such actions several times, you can easily and easily cut the tile of the most intricate forms and bends. The main thing is to keep the tool in your hands. Do not be afraid to do something wrong, but caution does not fit.

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